

当我尝试为我的django项目 syncdb 时,我看到以下抱怨:

While I'm trying to syncdb for my django project, I'm seeing following complains:

The following content types are stale and need to be deleted:

myapp |

Any objects related to these content types by a foreign key will also
be deleted. Are you sure you want to delete these content types?
If you're unsure, answer 'no'.


While I've also read the similar problem django-syncdb-many-to-many-stale, but I cannot risk myself typing yes since I'm on prod instance.


Would yes safely delete those stale entries in contenttype?


唯一需要注意的是,如果您有其他模型通过 ForeignKey ContentType 模型c $ c>这些对象也将被删除。如果您没有将任何外键设置为 ContentType ,则不会发生任何不良情况,如果您确实评估是否仍需要具有外部内容的对象输入您即将删除(如果有的话)。

Normally you can delete them safely, as these are content types where no model exists anymore.The only thing you should be aware of is, that if you had other models pointing to the ContentType model via a ForeignKey these objects will be deleted as well. If you didn't set any foreign keys to ContentType at all nothing bad can happen, if you did evaluate if you would still need the objects that have a foreign key to the content type you are about to delete (if there are any).


09-05 22:53