Is it possible to paginate and display number of pages in Coldfusion using only one query?
My understanding is you can obviously paginate with one query, but you would need an additional query to create the pages. This is in order to calculate the total number of results.
(currentPage - 1)* resultsPerPage = MySQL中的偏移
查询。这个逻辑足以创建next / prev按钮。但为了知道页面的数量,我们不需要知道使用单独的查询的结果总数,然后查询数据的查询?
(currentPage - 1) * resultsPerPage = Offset in MySQL
query. This logic is sufficient to create next/prev buttons. But in order to know the number of pages, would we not need to know the total number of results using a separate query, then a query of queries for the data?
是的,典型的基于mysql的方法需要两个查询:一个与 select count(*)从表
Yes, typical mysql-based method needs two queries: one with select count(*) from table
, second with select a, b, c from table limit x,y
where x and y are build depending on current page and needed offset.
With single query you'll need to select all records, which is less efficient approach in most cases.