



VC ++组件。微软是否仍然为VS2005提供任何免费的bug报告案例





报告的响应,我的代码中的错误的大小,其中编译器是生成错误的代码或者vtable在运行时被销毁时由CLR系统销毁的b / b
是这样的我死在水中,直到虫子被解决了。虽然我可以继续搜索bug的解决方法,例如,通过从托管C ++切换到C ++ / CLI来查看是否



After spending more than a day reducing a complicated compiler bug to a
simple case I reported it to the MSDN Product Feedback Center as a bug
just now. However this bug is completely stymying my development of a
VC++ component. Does Microsoft still offer any free bug reporting cases
for VS2005, as they did two for VS2003 so that I can talk with a
technical representative directly to try to find a workaround for the
compiler bug ?

While I would be normally willing to wait for a response from the bug
report, the magnitude of the bug in my code, where the compiler is
either producing wrong code or the vtable is being destroyed at run-time
by the CLR system, is such that I am dead in the water until the bug is
addressed. While I can continue searching for a workaround for the bug,
for instance by switching from Managed C++ to C++/CLI and see if that
causes any change so that the bug does not occur, if there is none I can
find I must give up creating my code entirely. Therefore I am hoping
that there is some way of addressing the problem directly with Microsoft
without having to pay them directly just to fix their own bad code.


$中的错误b $ b产品。您可能需要支付支持事件才能让事情滚动,

将退款归还给您。如果您被阻止继续,那么您需要联系PSS - 这是您获得当前

产品的修补程序的唯一方法。通过反馈中心报告错误可能会在VC ++的下一个版本中修复它,但它在短期内无法帮助你。

如果有一个小的repro case(听起来你确实开发了一个),你可以在这里发布b b b,也许有人可以帮忙找到解决方法。我假设

您的反馈FDBK48932是有问题的错误 - 如果您可以将

文件发布到新组,那么我们都可以看看。 />


There''s normally no charge for a support incident that''s due to a bug in the
product. You may have to pay for a support incident to get things rolling,
but my understanding is that if it''s confirmed to be due to a bug, they''ll
credit the charge back to you. If you''re blocked from proceeding, you
should contact PSS - that''s the only way you''ll get a hotfix to a current
product. Reporting the bug through the feedback center may get it fixed in
the next release of VC++, but it won''t help you in the short term.

If there''s a small repro case (it sounds like you did develop one) that you
could post here, perhaps someone can help find a workaround. I''m assuming
that your feedback FDBK48932 is the bug in question - if you could post the
files to the newgroup then we all could take a look.


要求发生一些事件,这些事件都是针对VS2003的VC ++错误,但不记得那是否是我打过的号码。我会等待一段时间,看看是否至少可以确认该错误,然后才能通过电话路线支付微软

I see a number of 1-800-936-5800. Is that the PSS number ? I recall
calling for a number of incidents which were all VC++ bugs for VS2003
.NET but do not remember if that was the number I called. I will
probably wait a little while to see if the bug can at least be
confirmed before going the telephone route as paying Microsoft



Go to http://msdn.microsoft.com/support/, click on "Contact Microsoft" and
find the phone number for your country.



I have attached the zip file to this reply which illustrates the bug
in question. I see that I had incorrectly not attached the zip file
to the FDBK48932 report and have now done so. If I am not supposed to
attach a .zip file here to this reply, please tell me which NG I
should use. The explanation for duplicating the bug is on the
FDBK48932 report.

If the bug is my own in some way I will be glad to acknowledge it. I
did spend a great deal of time reducing a very complex case, step by
to try to illustrate the bug in about its simplest format.



Thanks for the repro. I don''t have time to look at it this morning, but
I''ll spend some time on it this evening.

Thanks for your reply.



You''re welcome.



08-21 02:32