本文介绍了XmlHTT prequest:" XML解析错误:没有元素发现"的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


所以我使用PHP + MySQL来提供的XML数据库的内容到JavaScript。

So I'm using PHP+MySQL to deliver database contents in XML to a JavaScript.

$xml = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?><confessions><pending>";
$pending = $m->MySqlHandler->Query("SELECT id, gender, age, confession, date_posted FROM confessions WHERE publish = 0");
foreach ($pending->Rows as $pr)
   list($id, $gender, $age, $confession, $dateposted) = array(
   $xml .= "<confession id='$id' gender='$gender' age='$age' dateposted='$dateposted'>$confession</confession>";

$ XML =&LT; /未决>;$ XML =&LT;积极>

$xml .= "</pending>";$xml .= "<active>";

$积极= $ M-> MySqlHandler->查询(    SELECT DISTINCT招供。*,    (SELECT COUNT(*)FROM评论WHERE confession_id = confessions.id)作为注释,    (SELECT COUNT(*)FROM语句的WHERE confession_id = confessions.id)AS语句    从告白WHERE confessions.publish = 1);

$active = $m->MySqlHandler->Query( "SELECT DISTINCT confessions.*, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM comments WHERE confession_id = confessions.id) AS comments, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sentences WHERE confession_id = confessions.id) AS sentences FROM confessions WHERE confessions.publish = 1");

的foreach($主动 - >行为$ AR){    列表($ ID,$性别,$年龄,$表白,$ dateposted,$ absolutions)=阵列(         $ AR->列[身份证] - >值,         $ AR->列[性别] - >值,         $ AR->列[年龄] - >值,         $ AR->列[告白] - >值,         $ AR->列[dateposted] - >值,         $ AR->列[absolutions] - >值    );    $ sql_template =SELECT COUNT(*)FROM语句的WHERE confession_id = $ ID和度='%s'的;    $ sentence_data =阵列(       吨=> mysql_result(的mysql_query(的sprintf($ sql_template,吨)),0,0),       的C=> mysql_result(的mysql_query(的sprintf($ sql_template,C)),0,0),       P=> mysql_result(的mysql_query(的sprintf($ sql_template,P)),0,0),       升=> mysql_result(的mysql_query(的sprintf($ sql_template,升)),0,0)    );    $ XML =&LT;表白absolutions ='$ absolutions'T ='{$ sentence_data ['T']}'         。 C ='{$ sentence_data ['C']}'P ='{$ sentence_data ['P']}'         。 L ='{$ sentence_data ['L']}'ID ='$ ID'性别='$性别'         。 年龄='$时代'> $忏悔和LT; /表白>;}

foreach ($active->Rows as $ar){ list($id, $gender, $age, $confession, $dateposted, $absolutions) = array( $ar->Columns["id"]->Value, $ar->Columns["gender"]->Value, $ar->Columns["age"]->Value, $ar->Columns["confession"]->Value, $ar->Columns["dateposted"]->Value, $ar->Columns["absolutions"]->Value ); $sql_template = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sentences WHERE confession_id = $id AND degree = '%s'"; $sentence_data = array( "t" => mysql_result(mysql_query(sprintf($sql_template, "t")), 0, 0), "c" => mysql_result(mysql_query(sprintf($sql_template, "c")), 0, 0), "p" => mysql_result(mysql_query(sprintf($sql_template, "p")), 0, 0), "l" => mysql_result(mysql_query(sprintf($sql_template, "l")), 0, 0) ); $xml .= "<confession absolutions='$absolutions' t='{$sentence_data['t']}' " . "c='{$sentence_data['c']}' p='{$sentence_data['p']}' " . "l='{$sentence_data['l']}' id='$id' gender='$gender' " . "age='$age'>$confession</confession>";}

$ XML =。标题(内容类型:应用程序/ XML);回声$的xml;

$xml .= "";header("Content-Type: application/xml");echo $xml;


So, from there, you get a result such as...

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
    <confession id="1" gender="m" age="20" dateposted="2010-02-06 05:22:57">
    <confession absolutions="0" t="0" c="0" p="0" l="0" id="2" gender="m" age="18">


I load the XML with JavaScript by using:

function sendData(params, to, oncomplete)
    if (typeof oncomplete == 'undefined')
        oncomplete = function() {};
    if (typeof window.ActiveXObject != 'undefined' ) {
        http = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
        http.onreadystatechange = oncomplete;
    } else {
        http = new XMLHttpRequest();
        http.onload = oncomplete;
    http.open("POST", to, false);
    http.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
    http.setRequestHeader("Content-Length", params.length);
    http.setRequestHeader("Connection", "close");


...which is called like this:

// Load approval-pending data //
sendData("", "./leer/confesiones/" + sId, function()
   var xml = http.responseXML;
   var pending = xml.getElementsByTagName("pending").getElementsByTagName("confession");


I'll stop right here. Because when I attempt to parse the XML I get the following error at Firebug:

XML Parsing Error: no element found Location: moz-nullprincipal:{7e9eab45-2f73-476d-9bdb-2370d1534f29} Line Number 1, Column 1:

我尝试加载 ./阅读/ confesiones / 通过输入它作为一个网址到浏览器中,它就像一个魅力。完全有效的XML。用Firebug的网络进行检查XHR是这么说的也是,有效的XML。控制台视图是一个给我的错误,好像如果它是一个JavaScript错误。但 http.responseText 包含XML,文本,以及 XML 的类型是 [对象为XMLDocument]

I tried loading ./leer/confesiones/ by inputting it as an URL into the browser and it works like a charm. Fully valid XML. Using Firebug to inspect XHR under "Net" says so too, valid XML. The Console view is the one that gives me the error, like if it is a JavaScript error. But http.responseText contains the XML, in text, and xml is of type [object XMLDocument].


So... what am I missing?


SOLVED: modified PHP to output JSON and JavaScript to parse it properly.



Do yourself a favor, and use a JS library that wraps all the ajax magic for you. There's a lot of cross-browser issues and gotchas, and this may just be one of those things.


I'd recommend jQuery, it's the easiest and quite powerful.So add this to the top of your html, inside the head tag:

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4/jquery.min.js"></script>


And then in your JS do something like this:

 $.get('/leer/confesiones/', function(data) {

这应该让你开始。 看看这里有关jQuery的更多信息和$不用彷徨功能。BTW-我看您使用的是POST,但是对于检索数据(不更新或删除)该公约是GET。

That should get you started. Look here for more info about jQuery and the $.get function.BTW- I see you're using a POST, but for retrieval of data (no updating or deleting) the convention is GET.


Additionally, consider changing your PHP so that it returns JSON formatted data instead of XML.So instead of doing that little dance you have to do with the xml markup, just get an array ready with all the data, and do this:

echo json_encode($array); // voila

这篇关于XmlHTT prequest:&QUOT; XML解析错误:没有元素发现&QUOT;的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-21 02:11