本文介绍了旧设备和AndroidManifest configChanges"屏幕尺寸"的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



注意:与Android 3.2(API等级13),在屏幕尺寸开始
  机器人:configChanges =方向|屏幕尺寸

我需要忽略屏幕尺寸配置的变化。我最小的SDK级别为8(Android 2.2的),以及目标SDK水平是13。因此,我需要在manifest介绍吧。

I need to ignore the screenSize config change. My minimum SDK level is 8 (Android 2.2), and target SDK level is 13. Therefore, I need to introduce it in the manifest.


However, Eclipse doesn't recognize it, because its Android setting is set to 2.2. So I've changed it to the proper level, and now it builds properly.

我很害怕,但是,有将是旧版本,其中屏幕尺寸配置变化尚不可用的问题。 (例如,当应用程序被运行在Android 2.2设备。)也就是说,当它读取清单中的应用程序会崩溃,因为屏幕尺寸将是它的一个值未知。还是会简单地忽略它放在pre-3.2的设备?

I'm afraid, however, that there will be issues on older versions where the screenSize config change wasn't yet available. (E.g. when the app is run on Android 2.2. device.) That is, the application will crash when it reads the manifest, because screenSize will be an unknown value for it. Or will it simply ignore it on pre-3.2 devices?


P.S.: I don't have the chance to test it on a real device now, and I wouldn't trust the emulator alone in such a critical matter.



It will ignore it. Same is true for splitscreen action bar and other things that are similar. Unlike in java, any things the android os doesn't understand from the manifest it essentially ignores.

这篇关于旧设备和AndroidManifest configChanges"屏幕尺寸"的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-21 01:59