

在此问题中的目的是显示基于验证的错误消息控制器(而不是内置的 required min-length ).设置ng-message-exp时,不会显示消息错误.

In this plunk the objective is to show an error message based on validation in the controller (instead of the built-ins required or min-length). The message error does not display when the ng-message-exp is set.

关于错误或模型的任何想法,或者如何更好地发挥 ng-message 的实际作用?

Any idea on how to make this work or better how ng-message actually works which is tied to the error or model?


<body ng-app="ngMessagesExample" ng-controller="ctl">

  <form name="myForm" novalidate ng-submit="submitForm(myForm)">
      This field is only valid when 'aaa' is entered
      <input type="text"
             name="field1" />
    <div ng-messages="myForm.field1.$error" style="color:red">
        <div ng-message-exp="validationError">this is the error</div>

  <button style="float:left" type="submit">Submit</button>



var app = angular.module('ngMessagesExample', ['ngMessages']);

app.controller('ctl', function ($scope) {

  $scope.submitForm = function(form) {

    if (form.field1.$modelValue != 'aaa') {
        $scope.validationError = true;
        console.log('show error');
    else {
        $scope.validationError = false;
        console.log('don\'t show error');



您的主要 ng-messages 参数绑定到 myForm.field1.$ error ,但您永远不会实际上向 form.field1.$ error 中添加了一个错误.因此,在您的控制器中,只需通过 $ setValidity(field,isValid)手动将错误添加到 $ error 对象:

Your main ng-messages argument is tied to myForm.field1.$error, but you never actually add an error to the form.field1.$error. So in your controller, just manually add an error to the $error object via $setValidity(field, isValid):

if ($scope.data.field1 != 'aaa') {
    form.field1.$setValidity('validationError', false);
    // Angular will make form.field1.$error.validationError = true;
else {
    form.field1.$setValidity('validationError', true);
    // Angular will make form.field1.$error.validationError = false;

然后,您只需让 ng-message 指令执行其工作即可.提供 ng-message 的子元素已经被评估为其父 ng-messages 的属性(请注意额外的 s ).因此,通常将其与父元素一起用作表单元素的 $ error 对象,而内部子元素则与 $ error.required 等属性(在您的情况下为 $error.validationError .此处无需 ng-message-exp :

Then, you can just have the ng-message directive do its work. The child elements that provide ng-message are evaluated as properties of their parent ng-messages already (note the extra s). So typically, this is used with the parent being the form element's $error object and the inner children are the properties like $error.required or in your case $error.validationError. No need for ng-message-exp here:

<div ng-messages="myForm.field1.$error" style="color:red">
    <div ng-message="validationError">this is the error</div>



08-21 01:43