


I want to include to the administrator the option to disable login accounts, no data would be erased from the account, but if would be disabled for users not using it more, once cleared, the user would not notice any newsletters or anything else, just one last mail notifying the deactivating your account.


这很有趣.我之前已经研究过此内容,并且客户数据库记录上有一个is_active标志,但是核心Magento代码无法在任何地方访问或写入该标志.为了达到此要求,您需要覆盖 Mage_Customer_AccountController来检查loginPostAction()中此字段的值,然后在adminhtml Customer块中使该字段可见.

This is an interesting one. I've looked into this previously, and there is an is_active flag on the customer database record, but it is not accessed or written anywhere by the core Magento code. In order to achieve this requirement, you'll need to override the Mage_Customer_AccountController to check the value of this field inside loginPostAction() and then to make that field visible within the adminhtml Customer blocks.


I'm a little nervous about implementing that code as it bothers me that Varien would include the field but not utilise it at all. I'd be interested in others' thoughts about this.



08-21 01:38