



我正在编写如下所示的 php 代码,它会扫描目录 ($src_dir) 并列出所有 mp4 文件.

I am working on a php code as shown below which scans the directory ($src_dir) and list all mp4 files.

$src_dir = ('\\\ABCD-ST-001\Audio_Test\podcast\incoming_folder');

$mp4_files = preg_grep('~\.(mp4)$~', scandir($src_dir));

print_r(array_values($mp4_files));  // LineA


Array ( [0] => 36031P.mp4 [1] => hello.mp4 )

我在索引 0 和索引 1 处得到两个值.第一个是 36031P.mp4,第二个是 hello.mp4

I am getting two values at Index 0 and Index 1. The 1st is 36031P.mp4 and 2nd is hello.mp4

之后,我编写了一个脚本,将数据插入表 Podcast_Export.

After that I have wrote a script which insert data in table Podcast_Export.

$db->exec("INSERT INTO Podcast_Export ('House#', 'Status') VALUES ('array_values($mp4_files)', 'Go')");   /* have to place this question on SO*/


On running the above script, I am getting the following data inside the table which is not I want.

array_values(Array) Go
array_values(Array) Go



I am wondering what changes I should make in the script above so that it inserts the following data inside the table:

36031   Go
hello   Go


您正在插入一个字符串值 'array_values($mp4_files)' ,您只需要删除该值周围的引号.类似:

You are inserting a string value 'array_values($mp4_files)' , you just need to remove quotes around this value. something like:

$db->exec("INSERT INTO Podcast_Export ('House#', 'Status') VALUES (array_values($mp4_files), 'Go')");

但是,如果您删除 array_values 周围的引号,那么它将插入以下数组作为字符串 Array ( [0] => 36031P.mp4 [1] => hello.mp4)

But, if you delete the quotes around array_values then it will insert following array as a string Array ( [0] => 36031P.mp4 [1] => hello.mp4 )

所以,最好在这里使用带有 $mp4_files 数组的循环并插入您的数据.

so, its better to use loop here with $mp4_files array and insert your data.


我建议您为 House# 列使用不同的名称,例如 house_no.

I suggest you to use different name for House# column something like house_no.


08-21 01:32