

在开发过程中的某个时刻,我们将所有* .resx文件发送到翻译器.翻译人员通常需要一周的时间才能发回文件.在此期间,不允许任何人添加,删除或更新任何resx文件.

At a point in our development process we send all *.resx files to a translator. The translator usually takes a week to send back the files. During this time no one is allowed to add, remove or update any resx file.


How can I configure mercurial to enforce that policy?


Our setup: Each dev works with a local clone of our central repository.


  1. 我将每隔几周打开和关闭政策".因此,理想情况下,我希望可以在一个地方轻松配置并且会影响所有开发人员的东西.

  1. I'll turn the "policy" on and off every few weeks. So ideally, I'd like something that is easy to configure at one place and that affect all devs.


I'd rather enforce that policy at the local repository level then at the central repository level because if we prevent the "push" on the central repository, it will be harder for the dev to undo the already locally committed changeset.




More info on the translation process:


Merging is not an issue here. The translator does not change the files that we sent to him. We send him a bunch of language neutral .resx (form1.resx) and returns a bunch of language specific resx (form1.FR.resx).


Why prevent adding new resx? Adding a resx occurs when we add a new UI to our application. If we do that after the translation package has been sent, the translator won't know about the new UI and we'll end up with a new UI with no translation.


Why prevent updating resx? If the dev changes a label value from "open" to "close", he has made a very important semantic change. If he does that after the translation package has been sent, we won't get the right translation back.


除非您能控制他们的台式机(使用pretxncommit钩子),否则您不能阻止人们将更改提交给.resx文件.它很容易被绕过.在push时使用pretxnchangegroup挂钩将检查放在中央服务器上是更正常的做法,但是您说得对,他们必须修复所有变更集并重新推送,这是正确的用法,这是正确的.无论哪种情况,您都可以使用 AclExtension 来实施实际的限制.

You cannot stop by people from committing changes to .resx files unless you have control over their desktop machines (using a pretxncommit hook), and even then it's easily bypassed. It's much more normal to put the check on the central server at time of push using a pretxnchangegroup hook, but you're right that they'll have to fix up any changesets and re-push, which is advanced usage. In either case you'd used the AclExtension to enforce the actual restriction.


Here are two alternate ways to go about this that might work out better for you:

  1. 在翻译过程开始时克隆您的存储库,警告开发人员暂时不要使用.resx,在完成后应用翻译程序的工作,然后使用合并命令,该命令始终赋予传入的更改优先级:X.然后,使用简单的hg log命令在.resx中查找刚刚被覆盖的所有更改,并告诉开发人员重新添加它们.此时责骂他们.
  1. Clone your repository at the start of the translation process, warn developers to leave .resx alone for awhile, apply the work of the translators when they're done, and then merge those changes back into the main development repository with a merge command that always gives the incoming changes priority: X . Then use a simple hg log command to find all the changes in .resx that just got overwritten and tell the developers to re-add them. Chide them at this time.


  1. 使.resx文件成为较大外部存储库的子存储库.然后在禁止的时间段内关闭对该resx存储库的写访问.开发人员将能够在外部存储库中进行提交,但不能在内部存储库中进行提交,但是克隆仍将像往常一样完全获得两者.
  1. Make the .resx files a Subrepository of the larger outer repository. Then turn off write access to that resx repository during the forbidden period. Developers will be able to commit in the outer repository but not the inner one, but clones will still get both exactly as they always did.


For what it's worth, everyone else handles this problem with simple merging, .resx is (XML) text, and it merges just fine.


When working with a DVCS it's not always easy to exactly mirror your svn experience, but there's usually a better option anyway.


08-21 01:20