


So I'm coming tot he end of my first powershell project, I have been creating a script to import users into active directory from a CSV file containing only first and surnames.

Import-Csv users.csv |
    select Surname,
        @{n='samaccountname';e={$_.FirstName.substring(0,2) + $_.Surname}},
        @{n='UserPrincipalName';e={$_.FirstName.substring(0,2) + $_.Surname}},
        @{n='Name';e={$_.'FirstName' + ' ' + $_.'Surname'}} |
    New-ADUser -Enabled $true -AccountPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText "Password1" -Force) -ChangePasswordAtLogon $true -Path "OU=Intake 20XX,OU=Students,OU=Ravenloft users,DC=RAVENLOFT,DC=test" -ProfilePath {"\\TESTSVR\Profiles$\Intake20XX\" +$_.SamAccountName} -HomeDrive "D:" -HomeDirectory {"\\TESTSVR\Work$\Intake20XX\" +$_.SamAccountName}

现在,我的最后一项工作是将所有这些新用户添加到一个名为StudentGroup的组中,我知道new-aduser中没有参数可以编辑AD中的"Member of"字段.那么最好的方法是什么?

Now my last job for this would be to add all of these new users to a group called StudentGroup, I understand there is no parameter in new-aduser to edit the "Member of" field in AD. So what would be the best way to go about doing this?



I prefer to do this on two separate lines

New-ADUser ...
Add-ADGroupMember -Identity "name_of_group" -Members "username"

如果您想一行,则可以得到Mathias的评论(使用 -PassThru )

If you want to one line it, credit goes to Mathias's comment (using -PassThru)

New-ADUser ... -PassThru | % {Add-ADGroupMember -Identity "DN of StudentGroup" -Members $_}


How you fit that into your script is up to you


-Members can accept an array or a single string of username

New-ADUser ...
Add-ADGroupMember -Identity "name_of_group" -Members @("username1","username2")


08-21 00:40