



我需要从我按照说明公开访问的 nsf 文件中访问和过滤数据:XPages 公共访问支持

I need to access and filter data from an nsf file for which I made the access public as per instructions : XPages Public Access Support


I am accessing this database from another database.

当我在没有过滤数据的情况下将视图放在 xpage 上时,一切正常.匿名用户可以看到查看所有数据.

When I put the view on an xpage whithout filtering the data , everything works fine.The anonymous user can see the view all the data.

开始过滤视图数据后,我收到一条消息:注释错误:您无权执行该操作"过滤是正确的,因为当我登录数据库并刷新 xpage 时,所有数据都被过滤并正确显示.

Once I start filtering the data of the view , I get a message : "Notes error: You are not authorized to perform that operation"The filtering is correct since , when I log into the database , and refresh the xpage , all data is filtered and displayed correctly.

编辑当我使用 "Filter by column value" 过滤视图数据时,xpage 似乎可以工作.当我使用在视图结果中搜索"过滤数据时它不起作用我能做什么?

EDITWhen I filter the view data with "Filter by column value" , the xpage seems to work.It doesn't work when I filter the data with "Search in view results"What can I do ?



As far as I know are users with public access not allowed to perform full text searches. I don't believe that this restriction can be overridden.


You need at least reader access to perform a search in a view.


08-20 22:44