

本文介绍了EF ComboBox不显示SelectedItem绑定的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在使用Entity Framework和Caliburn.Micro来实现MVVM应用程序.

I am using Entity Framework and Caliburn.Micro to implement an MVVM application.


Basically, I have set up AuthorModel and BookModel in a one to many relationship - an Author having multiple Books and a Book having only a single Author.


I have a SelectBookWindow where I use DbContext to load ObservableCollection<Book>, from where I select a Book I want to view/edit. I then pass the selected Book as a parameter to an EditBookWindow where I have a combobox enumerating all the Authors but with the current Author selected.

在这里,我使用不同的DbContext实例加载ObservableCollection<Author>并将其设置为组合框的ItemsSourceSelectedItem="{Binding Author}". (AuthorBook的虚拟属性)

In here, I load up ObservableCollection<Author> using a different instance of DbContext and set it as the combobox's ItemsSource and as well as do SelectedItem="{Binding Author}". (Author being a virtual property of Book)


The ComboBox displays the Author list correctly. However, it doesn't seem to display the Book's Author as its SelectedItem.


Is this because I am using a different instance of DbContext? If so, how can I rectify this problem?



Yes it is. Because the author in ItemsSource is referencing to a different object although the content is the same as the one that is bind to SelectedItem.


I don't know much about EF, I guess you can use the same context for the two entities. Or override the equals (and gethashcode) of the Author class to compare the content then return true if the same.

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08-20 22:24