我刚刚实现了一个JSF(web javascript应用程序),连接到mongoDB数据库和生成报告(PDF)感谢JasperReports图书馆。 (因此使用.java文件)
感谢nodejs或coffeescript, JSF实际上是一个应用程序,而不是Javascript应用程序。 Javascript(其中node.js,coffeescript是基于)不是等同于Java,尽管名称相似。
如果您已经有一个基于JSF的应用程序,那么您已经拥有创建基于Web的应用程序所需的一切,不需要node.js,coffeescript等。 p>
I just realized a JSF (web javascript application) that connect to mongoDB database and generate a report (PDF) thanks to JasperReports Library. (so with a .java file)
Is it possible to do the same thing with a web applicaton in coffescript and nodejs ?I am really new to this so I don't know where to start.
For example: Is it possible to run a .java thanks to nodejs or coffeescript ?
JSF is actually a JavaServer Faces application, not a Javascript application. Javascript (which node.js, coffeescript are based on) is not equivalent to Java despite the similarity in names.
If you already have a JSF based application then you already should have everything you need to create a web based application, no need for node.js, coffeescript etc.
Go take a look at JSP, Tomcat etc. to figure out how to render web pages rather than output to PDF and you should be set