I have some space on the page that is absolutely positioned, I then have multiple absolutely positioned elements with in this space...works great...whenever I need to add another elment I don't have to worry about page flow...i just put it where I want it using the x-y plane.
问题我havin ...现在我有一些动态内容在一个的绝对定位元素...随着它的增长它的z-index低于底部元素,所以它只是在它下面的元素下扩展。
Problem I'm havin...is that now I have some dynamic content in one of the absolute positioned elements...as it grows it has z - index below the bottom element so it just expands under the element below it.
我试着将elemenet的位置设置为relative,但这只是相对于父div。不是它的兄弟div ...因此它跳到页面的顶部。 静态定位具有相同的效果,它跳到顶部。看起来像绝对定位的元素本质上被相对和静态定位的元素忽略。
I tried setting the positioning of the elemenet below to "relative" but this is only relative to the parent div...not its sibling div...hence it jumps to the top of the page. "static" positioning has the same effect it jumps to the top. It seems like absolutely positioned elements are essentially ignored by relaive and static positioned elements.
Is there as way I can have the sibling div move as its sibling grows?
Is there any way to have relatively positioned elements become "aware" of absolutely positioned elements?
An absolutely positioned element ignores and is ignored by everything else on the page, effectively taking it out of the document flow, so strictly speaking you can't do what you're asking.
What you could do here to get the same effect is wrap both elements in an absolutely positioned div and give them relative positioning to each other. Then the top div will always stay in the same place, and the bottom div will move down as necessary.
#wrapper { position:absolute; }
#i_will_expand { position:relative; top:0px; left:0px; }
#i_will_move_down { position:relative; top:0px; left:0px; }
<div id="wrapper">
<div id="i_will_expand"></div>
<div id="i_will_move_down"></div>
Keep in mind though that if you have anything else below, these elements will cover them up, but such is the problem with using absolute positioning.
这篇关于相对于绝对定位元素的定位 - 是可能吗?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!