

咖啡因具有 expiresAfterWrite 方法,该方法在最后一次写入时间进行查找.我希望它仅在创建时查看.因此,当第一个条目到来时,条目将在固定的时间后过期,而无需查看该条目的更新数量.这可能吗?

Caffeine has expiresAfterWrite method which looks at last write time. I want it to look only at the creation time. So when the first entry comes then entry will be expired after a fixed amount of time without looking at the number of updates on this entry. Is this possible?


是的,但需要使用更高级的 Expiry api.在下面的示例中,新创建的条目的生命周期固定为5分钟.这是通过在更新或读取时返回 currentDuration 来完成的.

Yes, but requires using the more advanced Expiry api. In the below example, a newly created entry has a fixed 5 minute lifetime. This is done by returning currentDuration on an update or read.

LoadingCache<Key, Graph> graphs = Caffeine.newBuilder()
    .expireAfter(new Expiry<Key, Graph>() {
      public long expireAfterCreate(Key key, Graph graph, long currentTime) {
        return TimeUnit.MINUTES.toNanos(5);
      public long expireAfterUpdate(Key key, Graph graph,
          long currentTime, long currentDuration) {
        return currentDuration;
      public long expireAfterRead(Key key, Graph graph,
          long currentTime, long currentDuration) {
        return currentDuration;
    .build(key -> createExpensiveGraph(key));


08-20 21:42