本文介绍了编写托管包装的非托管(C ++)code - 自定义类型/结构的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


faacEncConfigurationPtr FAACAPI faacEncGetCurrentConfiguration(
       faacEncHandle hEncoder);

我试图想出了一个简单的包装,这个C ++库;我从来不是很简单的p做得更多/前调用互操作 - 就像与基本参数一个函数调用

I'm trying to come up with a simple wrapper for this C++ library; I've never done more than very simple p/invoke interop before - like one function call with primitive arguments.

因此​​,考虑到上面的C ++函数,例如,我应该怎么办,处理返回类型和参数?

So, given the above C++ function, for example, what should I do to deal with the return type, and parameter?

FAACAPI定义为:的#define FAACAPI __stdcall

FAACAPI is defined as: #define FAACAPI __stdcall


faacEncConfigurationPtr is defined:

typedef struct faacEncConfiguration
    int version;
    char *name;
    char *copyright;
    unsigned int mpegVersion;
    unsigned long bitRate;
    unsigned int inputFormat;
    int shortctl;

    psymodellist_t *psymodellist;

    int channel_map[64];

} faacEncConfiguration, *faacEncConfigurationPtr;


AFAIK this means that the return type of the function is a reference to this struct?


And faacEncHandle is:

typedef struct {
    unsigned int numChannels;
    unsigned long sampleRate;
    SR_INFO *srInfo;
    double *sampleBuff[MAX_CHANNELS];
    double *freqBuff[MAX_CHANNELS];
    double *overlapBuff[MAX_CHANNELS];

    double *msSpectrum[MAX_CHANNELS];

    CoderInfo coderInfo[MAX_CHANNELS];
    ChannelInfo channelInfo[MAX_CHANNELS];
    PsyInfo psyInfo[MAX_CHANNELS];
    GlobalPsyInfo gpsyInfo;
    faacEncConfiguration config;

    psymodel_t *psymodel;

    /* quantizer specific config */
    AACQuantCfg aacquantCfg;

 /* FFT Tables */
    FFT_Tables fft_tables;

    int bitDiff;
} faacEncStruct, *faacEncHandle;


So within that struct we see a lot of other types... hmm.


Essentially, I'm trying to figure out how to deal with these types in my managed wrapper?
Do I need to create versions of these types/structs, in C#? Something like this:

struct faacEncConfiguration
    uint useTns;
    ulong bitRate;


If so then can the runtime automatically "map" these objects onto eachother?And, would I have to create these "mapped" types for all the types in these return types/parameter type hierarchies, all the way down until I get to all primitives?

我知道这是一个广泛的话题,就起床到快速了解什么,我需要学习如何做到这一点是非常AP preciated任何意见!谢谢!

I know this is a broad topic, any advice on getting up-to-speed quickly on what I need to learn to make this happen would be very much appreciated! Thanks!


您是在正确的轨道上,你将如何需要创建重新present unamanged结构有P用管理结构/ Invoke的。

Your are on the right track with how you would need to create managed structures that represent unamanged structures for use with P/Invoke.

然而不是互操作与非托管库的最佳策略,因为使用这个API从C#仍觉得像使用C API - 创建和初始化一个结构,它传递给一个函数,并得到一些其他结构的回报。

It is however not the best strategy for interop with unmanaged libraries, because using this API from C# would still feel like using a C API - create and initialise a structure, pass it to a function and get some other structure in return.

这是正常使用的P / Invoke为奇函数调用未以其他方式公开为.NET API,但对于一个完全成熟的API包装我会强烈建议使用托管C ++(C ++ / CLI)。这是在创造非托管互操作层的.NET绝对是无与伦比的。

It is OK to use P/Invoke for an odd function call that is not otherwise exposed as .NET API, but for a full blown API wrapper I would highly recommend using managed C++(C++/CLI). It is absolutely unparalleled in creating unmanaged interop layers for .NET.


The biggest challenge would be to convert this essentially C interface into an object orientated interface where you call methods off objects, as opposed to calling global functions with structures of all-public members.

当你开始写详细的结构图的的P / Invoke,你将自己不得不面对相当多的神奇控制如何管理的基本数据类型转换成非托管类型。通常情况下,使用不正确类型将导致运行时错误。

As you start writing elaborate structure graphs for P/Invoke you would yourself having to deal with quite a bit of "magic" that governs how managed primitive types convert to unmanaged types. Often, using incorrect types will cause a run-time error.

使用托管C ++(IJW - 它只是工作)。你定义管理结构,类在C接口++,它允许更自然的使用基础库和更原生的界面到您的C#应用​​程序的

With managed C++ (IJW - It Just Works) you define managed structures, classes, interfaces in C++, which allows more natural use of the underlying library and a more native interface to your C# application.

是C ++ / CLI一个很好的概述。另外MSDN对所有托管C ++功能丰富的文档。

This is a great overview of C++/CLI. Also MSDN has extensive documentation for all managed C++ features.

这篇关于编写托管包装的非托管(C ++)code - 自定义类型/结构的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-20 21:34