

我想创建一个的MessageBox 有是 / 否按钮和一个复选框。


的MessageBox 将给用户覆盖如果需要任何新文件的选项,而复选框可以防止不必点击是 X 的,如果他们要覆盖每个文件次数。

我如何添加一个复选框,一个的MessageBox 对话框?



  • 创建的两个按钮和复选框的新形式你所需要的。

  • 在窗体设计器中,是按钮的的DialogResult 属性设置为是的,这的否按钮号这会让你发现用户点击了哪个按钮。

  • 创建窗体上的属性,反映了复选框的状态(可选 - 我不喜欢从其他形式的一种形式在参一控,但如果你的复选框公开,这会工作太)。

公共BOOL DoForAll
{返回checkBox.Checked; }

  • 在您的主要形式,展现了孩子在需要的时候形成。例如:

VAR的结果= options.ShowDialog();
如果(结果== DialogResult.Yes)
VAR doForAll = options.DoForAll;

I would like to create a MessageBox that has / buttons AND a checkbox.

The application is a picture resizer and it will be re-sizing a number of pictures at once; in the process it will check if the new location filename exists with the option to overwrite it.

The MessageBox will give the user the option to overwrite any new files if desired, while the checkbox will prevent having to click x number of times if they want to overwrite every file.

How do I add a checkbox to a MessageBox dialog?


You can't add a checkbox to a MessageBox. As Tim and rsbarro suggest, you should create a custom dialog. Tim's answer will work well, and doesn't require creation of a new class. If you want to design the form in the designer though, you could try this.

  • Create a new form with the two buttons and the checkbox you'll need.
  • In the forms designer, set the DialogResult property of the button to Yes, and that of the button to No. This'll let you discover what button the user clicked.
  • Create a property on the form that reflects the state of the checkbox (optional - I don't like to reference a control on one form from another form, but if you make the checkbox public, that'll work too).

public bool DoForAll
    get { return checkBox.Checked; }

  • On your main form, show the child form when needed. For instance:

var options = new Options();
var result = options.ShowDialog();
if (result == DialogResult.Yes)
    var doForAll = options.DoForAll;


08-20 21:32