




Not sure what forum to post this in since I don't seen one specifically related to the WIN32API.

我是一个长期的Windows开发人员(20多岁)拥有丰富的WinAPI经验。 在以下页面:

$ b SignerTimeStampEx2函数$ b,文档中存在重大错误,这让我发疯。 它显示的是ALG_ID,它是一个DWORD。 这不起作用(无效的内存访问)和SignerTimeStampEX3和SignerSignEx2
的相同信息的格式表明它应该是一个OWS(pszAlgorithmOid)的PCWSTR。 问题是传递OID也不起作用。我正在使用C#并且当dwFlags设置为2(SIGNER_TIMESTAMP_RFC3161)时,将算法OID作为字符串传递,例如szOID_RSA_SHA256RSA
("1.2.840.113549.1.1.11"),例如总是返回HRESULT为-2146893816(无效的算法)。 我给它的OID并不重要(在Win7和Win10上验证)。

所以第一个问题是,有谁知道,CORRECT的定义是什么对于SignerTimeStampEX2? 这让我疯狂,因为我在黑暗中操作 - 该功能期望的数据/格式是什么?

他们还需要更新他们的SignerTimeStampEX3信息这说它适用于Win7。 就我所见,SignerTimeStampEX3(如SignerSignEX2)仅对Win8 +有用。


I am a longtime Windows dev here (20+ yrs) with lots of experience with WinAPI.  On the following page:

for the SignerTimeStampEx2 function, there is a major error in documentation and it's driving me crazy.  It shows an ALG_ID that's a DWORD.  That does not work (invalid memory access) and the format for the same info for SignerTimeStampEX3 and SignerSignEx2 shows that it is supposed to be a PCWSTR that's an OID (pszAlgorithmOid).  The problem is that passing an OID doesn't work either. I'm using C# and when dwFlags is set to 2 (SIGNER_TIMESTAMP_RFC3161), passing the Algorithm OID as a string like szOID_RSA_SHA256RSA ("1.2.840.113549.1.1.11") for instance always returns HRESULT of -2146893816 (invalid algorithm).  It doesn't matter what OID I give it (verified on both Win7 and Win10).

So the first question is, does anyone know, what is the CORRECT definition for SignerTimeStampEX2?  This has been driving me nuts because I'm operating in the dark - what data/format is that function expecting??

They also need to also update their SignerTimeStampEX3 info that says it works on Win7.  SignerTimeStampEX3 (like SignerSignEX2) only is avail on Win8+ as far as I can see.




Thank you for your post. I found a similar thread which discuss the same topic. Here is the solution from this thread.

dwFlags需要为SIGNER_TIMESTAMP_RFC3161(2)。 您获得访问冲突的原因是SignerTimeStampEx2()是
记录 错误。 它希望算法为PCSTR而不是DWORD。 如果你传递0x800C,它会尝试取消引用
作为指针,导致AV。 所以用PCSTR pszTimeStampAlgorithmOid替换函数声明中的ALG_ID dwAlgId。 将szOID_NIST_sha256传递给它,应该定义为"2.16.840."。




Best Regards,
Li Wang

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08-20 20:39