




So I want to return some data, and I'm using WCF Data Services and Entity Framework, that looks like:

public class MyWcfDataService : DataService<MyEFModel>
   [WebGet(ResponseFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json)]
   public IQueryable<GetMyListEF> GetMyList()
       using (MyEfModel context = this.CurrentDataSource)
           return context.GetMyListEF().ToList().AsQueryable();

正如你所见, m投射到列表,然后查询。如果我只投递 AsQueryable(),我将无法读取数据,因为连接已关闭(由于延迟执行AsQueryable)。

As you can see I'm casting to a list, then to queryable. If I only cast AsQueryable(), I won't be able to Read the data because the connection has closed (due to deferred execution of AsQueryable).


So my question is, is there a better way? Is the using statement even needed? The data can sometimes be 100k rows, so casting to a list uses a fair amount of memory. It would also be nice to really take advantage of deferred execution and only return a true IQueryable.


你不需要实际上最好不要使用它。 WCF数据服务将在请求结束时处理CurrentDataSource。所以只是用它。

You don't need the using, in fact it's better not to have it. The WCF Data Service will dispose the CurrentDataSource at the end of the request. So just use it.


08-20 20:35