


I'm looking for an intuitive, real-world example of a problem that takes (worst case) exponential time complexity to solve for a talk I am giving.


Here are examples for other time complexities I have come up with (many of them taken from this SO question):

  • O(1)-确定如果数字是奇数或偶数

  • O(log N)-在字典中查找单词(使用二进制搜索)

  • O(N) -读一本书

  • O(N log N)-排序一副扑克牌(使用合并排序)

  • O(N ^ 2) -检查购物车中是否有购物清单上的所有物品

  • O(infinity)-扔硬币直到其落在头上

  • O(1) - determining if a number is odd or even
  • O(log N) - finding a word in the dictionary (using binary search)
  • O(N) - reading a book
  • O(N log N) - sorting a deck of playing cards (using merge sort)
  • O(N^2) - checking if you have everything on your shopping list in your trolley
  • O(infinity) - tossing a coin until it lands on heads



  • O(10 ^ N ):尝试通过测试所有可能的组合来破坏密码ion(假设数字密码的长度为N)

  • 这篇关于指数时间复杂度的真实示例的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-27 11:26