本文介绍了HashDoS:Hashtable的最坏情况复杂度如何为O(n ^ 2)?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


现在你们中许多人一定听说过。发现这一点的研究人员在中称,最糟糕的是Hastable的案例复杂度是 O(n ^ 2)。这怎么可能?


这个问题措辞不正确。研究人员并没有声称哈希表的最坏情况复杂度是O(n ^ 2)。

他们声称的是将n个元素插入表格的复杂性到O(n ^ 2)。所以,单个操作的复杂度是O(n)。这是有道理的:如果所有的键都有相同的散列,那么它们都会进入同一个桶,这只是一个数组或链表,所以需要线性搜索。

By now many of you must have heard about HashDoS. The researchers who found this, claim in their video that the worst case complexity of Hastable is O(n^2). How can this be?


The question is worded in an incorrect way. The researchers do not claim that "the worst case complexity of Hashtables is O(n^2)".

What they claim is that "The [...] complexity of inserting n elements into the table [...] goes to O(n^2)." So, the complexity of a single operation is O(n). Which makes sense: if all keys have the same hash, then they all go into the same bucket, which is just an array or a linked list, so it needs to be searched linearly.

这篇关于HashDoS:Hashtable的最坏情况复杂度如何为O(n ^ 2)?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-20 20:27