




I'm trying to complete the puzzle.

__ strong 是所有Objective-C可保留的默认值对象指针,如NSObject,NSString等。这是一个强大的参考。 ARC在范围的末尾用 -release 进行余额。

__strong is the default for all Objective-C retainable object pointers like NSObject, NSString, etc.. It's a strong reference. ARC balances it with a -release at the end of the scope.

__ unsafe_unretained 等于旧的方式。它用于弱指针而不保留可保留对象。

__unsafe_unretained equals the old way. It's used for a weak pointer without retaining the retainable object.

__弱类似于 __ unsafe_unretained 除了它是一个自动归零的弱引用,这意味着一旦引用的对象被释放,指针就会被设置为nil。这消除了悬空指针和EXC_BAD_ACCESS错误的危险。

__weak is like __unsafe_unretained except that it's an auto-zeroing weak reference meaning that the pointer will be set to nil as soon as the referenced object is deallocated. This eliminates the danger of dangling pointers and EXC_BAD_ACCESS errors.

但是 __ autoreleasing 究竟是什么?当我需要使用这个限定符时,我很难找到实际的例子。我相信它只适用于期望指针指针的函数和方法,例如:

But what exactly is __autoreleasing good for? I'm having a hard time finding practical examples on when I need to use this qualifier. I believe it's only for functions and methods which expect a pointer-pointer such as:

- (BOOL)save:(NSError**);

NSError *error = nil;
[database save:&error];


which under ARC has to be declared this way:

- (BOOL)save:(NSError* __autoreleasing *);

但这太模糊了,我想完全理解为什么 。我找到的代码片段将__autoreleasing放在两颗星之间,这对我来说很奇怪。类型是 NSError ** (指向NSError的指针),所以为什么要在星星之间放置 __ autoreleasing 只需在 NSError ** 前面?

But this is too vague and I'd like to fully understand why. The code snippets I find place the __autoreleasing inbetween the two stars, which looks weird to me. The type is NSError** (a pointer-pointer to NSError), so why place __autoreleasing inbetween the stars and not simply in front of NSError**?

此外,可能还有其他情况我必须依赖 __ autoreleasing

Also, there might be other situations in which I must rely on __autoreleasing.



You're right. As the official documentation explains:


在NSError示例中,声明意味着 __strong ,隐含地:

In your NSError example, the declaration means __strong, implicitly:

NSError * e = nil;


NSError * __strong error = nil;


- ( BOOL )save: ( NSError * __autoreleasing * );

然后编译器必须创建一个临时变量,设置为 __ autoreleasing 。所以:

The compiler will then have to create a temporary variable, set at __autoreleasing. So:

NSError * error = nil;
[ database save: &error ];


NSError * __strong error = nil;
NSError * __autoreleasing tmpError = error;
[ database save: &tmpError ];
error = tmpError;

您可以通过将错误对象声明为 __ autoreleasing ,直接。

You may avoid this by declaring the error object as __autoreleasing, directly.


08-20 20:25