




I have an Entity Framework POCO class that is generated by a T4 Template.


I am planning to use the generated class as my data contract. However, it has a few properties that don't need to be in the contract. For example I have a property called AddressId. It is the foreign key to the address table. Since the actual address is attached to the object I don't want the AddressId to be visible to the client.


I could modify the T4 template, but I would rather not.


I saw this post that showed how to use 'MetadataType' to add attributes to existing properties in partial classes. This is the example that they gave:

public partial class Dinner {}

public class Dinner_Validation
   public string Title { get; set; }


But I tried that for my class (using [IgnoreDataMember]) and it does not work (the AddressId is still shown).


How can I hide this one property without having to make a whole new class to copy all my data into?


MetadataType仅适用于数据的注释。它不与序列的属性工作。 。序列化的属性必须直接放置在实体属性,所以如果你想使用类一代T4模板,您必须直接创建这些属性模板添加逻辑

MetadataType works only with data annotations. It doesn't work with serialization attributes. Serialization attributes must be placed directly on properties in entity so if you want to use T4 template for class generation you must add logic for creating these attributes directly to template.


如果你想建立逻辑产生你需要以某种方式告诉哪些属性应标有属性T4模板的特殊属性。你可以这样硬编码信息转化为T4模板或者你可以把这些信息输入EDMX文件。 EDMX文件支持在其XML结构的自定义数据元素。这些自定义XML元素可以是后者中的T4模板用于一些附加逻辑。唯一的问题是,设计人员不必为支持 - 你必须添加自定义元素直接进入EDMX开辟为XML

If you want to build logic for generating special attributes you need somehow to tell T4 template which properties should be marked with the attribute. You can either hardcode such information into T4 template or you can put that information into EDMX file. EDMX file supports custom data elements in its XML structure. These custom XML elements can be latter used in T4 template for some additional logic. The only problem is that designer doesn't have support for that - you must add custom elements directly into EDMX opened as XML.


This whole is called Structural annotations. Some example with reverse processing (modifying database generation) can be found in my other answer (also check MSDN topic linked in the question). There is also whole extension project which perhaps allows adding new extensions together with designer support. I think you can also read about these customizations in Entity Framework 4 in Action book.
