


Sometimes I get this error when extracting youtube videos by json, here's an example:

XMLHttpRequest无法加载 https://gdata.youtube. com/feeds/api/users/IcarusTouma?& alt = json . Access-Control-Allow-Origin不允许使用来源 http://localhost .

XMLHttpRequest can not load https://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/users/IcarusTouma?&alt=json. Origin http://localhost is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin.


I tried with jsonp, but youtube does not accept jsonp.


So extract videos from youtube.

$. getJSON ('https://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/videos/' + id_video + '? & alt = json', function (data) {
if (typeof data! == "undefined" && data)
     var title = data ['entry'] ['title'] ['$ t'];
     var thumb = data ['entry'] ['media $ group'] ['media $ thumbnail'] [0] ['url'];
     var title = data ['entry'] ['author'] [0] ['name'] ['$ t'];
     $. getJSON ('https://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/users/' + author + '? & alt = json', function (data) {

     author_thumbnail var = data ['entry'] ['media $ thumbnail'] ['url'];
     $ ('.items').append(html_carousel (thumb, title, author_thumbnail, author, 5,' youtube ', id_video, author'));



刚刚检查了YouTube数据API参考文档,对于JSON和较新的JSON-C格式,它们都接受JSON-P,因此您可以指定通过callback GET字符串参数进行回调.该链接将证明这是真的:

Having just checked the YouTube Data API reference documentation, for both JSON and the newer JSON-C formats, they both accept JSON-P, allowing you to specify the callback by the callback GET string parameter. This link will demonstrate that this is true:



The long JSON object return is wrapped in the function call to functionName, in this case. The next URL is the same call, but in the older (and somewhat deprecated) JSON format:


数据有些不同,但结果集相同,包装在另一个对functionName的调用中.现在,这些调用是查询,用于获取与搜索参数(棒球")匹配的视频.但我敢肯定,他们会仔细阅读他们的参考文档(对于 JSON-C JSON 格式)将产生您所需的内容,以使其能够正常工作,作为JSONP调用,并指定了回调在查询字符串中.

The data is a bit different, but same result set, wrapped in another call to functionName. Now, these calls were queries to get the videos that matched the search param ("baseball"). But I'm sure perusing their reference documents (for the JSON-C and JSON formats) will yield what you need to make this work properly, as a JSONP call, specifying the callback in the query string.


08-20 19:57