本文介绍了SQL Server 中是否需要主键?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



This may be a pretty naive and stupid question, but I'm going to ask it anyway


I have a table with several fields, none of which are unique, and a primary key, which obviously is.

此表定期通过非唯一字段访问,但没有用户 SP 或进程通过主键访问数据.那么主键是必需的吗?是否在幕后使用?删除它会积极还是消极地影响性能?

This table is accessed via the non-unique fields regularly, but no user SP or process access data via the primary key. Is the primary key necessary then? Is it used behind the scenes? Will removing it affect performance Positively or Negatively?



Necessary? No. Used behind the scenes? Well, it's saved to disk and kept in the row cache, etc. Removing will slightly increase your performance (use a watch with millisecond precision to notice).


But ... the next time someone needs to create references to this table, they will curse you. If they are brave, they will add a PK (and wait for a long time for the DB to create the column). If they are not brave or dumb, they will start creating references using the business key (i.e. the data columns) which will cause a maintenance nightmare.

结论:既然拥有 PK(即使不使用 ATM)的成本如此之低,就这样吧.

Conclusion: Since the cost of having a PK (even if it's not used ATM) is so small, let it be.

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08-20 19:54