

因此,我现在正在阅读《 Lisp之地》,事实证明Lisp与我所见过的其他编程语言完全不同.

So, I'm reading Land of Lisp now, and Lisp is turning out to be quite different than other programming languages that I've seen.

无论如何,这本书提供了一些我们打算输入CLISP REPL的代码:

Anyways, the book provides some code that we're meant to enter into the CLISP REPL:

(defparameter *small* 1)
(defparameter *big* 100)

(defun guess-my-number ()
    (ash (+ *small* *big*) -1))

(defun smaller ()
    (setf *big* (1- (guess-my-number)))

(defun bigger ()
    (setf *small* (1+ (guess-my-number)))


Now, the basic goal is to create a number guessing game wherein the user/player chooses a number, and then the computer tries to guess the number. It performs a "binary search", to find the player's number, by having the player report whether the computer-guessed number is higher or lower than the player's number.


I'm a little bit confused about the ash function. It's my understanding that this is vital to the binary search, but I'm not really sure why. The book somewhat explains what it does, but it's a little confusing.


What does the ash function do? Why is it passed the parameters of *small* added to *big* and -1? How does it work? What purpose does it serve to the binary search?


Google为您提供此页面,其中说明ash是算术移位运算.因此,(ash x -1)x右移一位,从而将其整数减半.

Google gives you this page which explains that ash is an arithmetic shift operation. So (ash x -1) shift x by one bit to the right, so gives its integer half.


10-23 06:54