

来自 您什么时候会使用构建器模式?

据说构建器模式适用于 Pizza 示例.

It is said that builder pattern is appropriate for Pizza example.


Why not Decorator ?by treating Cheese, Pepperoni, Bacon as additional decorations on a base pizza.


Is it for the reason that Cheese/Pepperoni have to be built seperately. I don't think, they need to be built seperately as they can be available readymade.


Pls clarify.Am also looking for a good real-world example of decorator pattern and reason why it is the apt for that particular example. Thank you.



From wikipedia's decorator pattern article:



There's no need to add toppings to a Pizza after it has been fully constructed. You don't eat half a pizza and then add another topping to it.

换句话说,建造者模式可以很容易地在构建时构建一个可在独立方向上扩展的对象,而装饰者模式允许你向对象添加功能扩展 施工时间后.使用装饰器模式来构造对象是不好的,因为它会使对象处于不一致(或至少不正确)状态,直到所有必需的装饰器都到位 - 类似于使用 setter 指定可选构造函数参数的 JavaBean 问题.

In other words, the Builder Pattern makes it easy to construct an object which is extensible in independent directions at construction time, while the Decorator Pattern lets you add extensions to functionality to an object after construction time. Using the decorator pattern to construct objects is bad because it leaves the object in an inconsistent (or at least incorrect) state until all the required decorators are in place - similar to the JavaBean problem of using setters to specify optional constructor arguments.


08-23 06:25