

我正在尝试编写父pom,并且我已经定义了一个插件,但我需要更改所有继承实例的配置。所以,我可以在< pluginManagement> 定义中添加一些配置,我可以在< plugin> ,但如何让孩子们默认回到< pluginManagement> 版本?

I'm trying to write a parent pom, and I have a plugin defined, but I need to change the config for all inherited instances. So, I can put some configuration in the <pluginManagement> definition, and I can override it in the <plugin>, but how do I get the children to default back to the <pluginManagement> version?

                        (used by all children)
                    (unique to the parent)


So, what happens is the children continue to show the parent's config.


好的,我想我拥有它。在我的情况下,答案与你指定的内容有关 - 我确实需要标签。但是解决方案是在标签中;通过将其绑定到非阶段,它确实执行。我知道这个。我发现的是必须匹配才能覆盖它。因此,配置永远不会被解析并且无关紧要。

Ok, I think I have it. The answer, in my case, relates to what you specified - I did need the tag. However the solution was in the tag; by binding it to a non-phase, it does execute. This I knew. What I discovered is that the had to match in order for it to override. Thus, the config never gets parsed and doesn't matter.

                <!-- Main declaration of the plugin -->
                        <!--This must be named-->
            <!-- Uses the default config -->
                    <!--This matches and thus overrides-->


08-20 19:31