

本文介绍了UML 序列图 - 如何表示实例化对象的方法参数的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我不确定如何在序列图中(在 Ruby 中)表示如下内容:

I'm not sure how to represent something like the following in a sequence diagram (in Ruby):

 class FirstClass
   def process
       thing = SecondClass.new('string argument', third_class, 2)

   def third_class
       ThirdClass.new('another string argument',)

序列中的第一条消息是对 FirstClass 实例的调用,让我感到困惑的部分是如何表示将 ThirdClass.new 作为参数传递给 SecondClass 初始值设定项.

The first message in the sequence is a call to an instance of FirstClass, and the part that's tripping me up is how to represent the ThirdClass.new being passed as an argument to the SecondClass initializer.



Basically you just show how and in which order the objects are instantiated and not where they are assigned:

因此,首先创建 ThirdClass,然后创建 SecondClass,在其中传递 ThirdClass 参数.

So first the ThirdClass is created and then SecondClass where you pass a ThirdClass parameter.

我不知道确切的 Ruby 语法.所以 new 是一个占位符.其他语言需要类名,Python 使用 __init__ 等.但是虚线箭头线表示这是一个对象创建.

I don't know the exact Ruby syntax. So the new is a place holder. Other languages require the class name, Python uses __init__, etc. But the dashed arrow line shows that's it's an object creation.

这篇关于UML 序列图 - 如何表示实例化对象的方法参数的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-20 19:30