

我想为以下类生成 xsd

I want to generate xsd for the following class

public class Node{
  private String value;
  private List<Node> childrens;


为此类代码生成 xsd 架构的最佳实用程序是什么

What is the best utility to generate xsd schema for such code

总的来说,我想实现简单的树.我已经在使用 jaxb 从架构生成类.

In general I want to implement simple tree. I'm already using jaxb for generating the classes from schema.


如果您已经在使用 JAXB,则可以使用 schemagen 工具来创建 XSD:

If you're already using JAXB, you can use the schemagen tool for creating an XSD:

还有 Ant 任务和 Maven 插件可以自动执行相同的操作.

There are also Ant tasks and Maven plugins for doing the same in an automated fashion.


08-20 19:24