

我已将ObservableCollection绑定到 DataGrid ,并在带有MVVM应用程序的WPF中将 AutoGenerateColumns 设置为true。

I have bound a ObservableCollection to a DataGrid and set the AutoGenerateColumns to true in a WPF with MVVM application.


Then how can I stop a specific column to be appeared in the DataGrid?

我在事件c $ c> DataGrid ,如果列的 ColumnName 等于要排除的值,则取消该列的生成,例如。

This is usually done by setting AutoGenerateColumns="False" and specifying your <DataGrid.Columns> yourself, however you can also exclude the column from the View layer using the AutoGeneratingColumn event of the DataGrid, and cancelling the generation of the column if it's ColumnName equals to the value you want to exclude, like the question you linked suggested.

private void DataGrid_AutoGeneratingColumn(
    object sender, DataGridAutoGeneratingColumnEventArgs e)
    if ((string)e.Column.Header == "ID")
        e.Cancel = true;


Remember, the whole point of MVVM is to separate your UI and Data layers. There's absolutely nothing wrong with using code-behind the view in MVVM, providing that code is related to UI-specific logic only, and not data/application-specific logic


08-20 19:09