

如果我使用的是Free tier Azure AD,那么可以使用密码自助服务.同样,一旦为Azure云用户重置密码,那么密码将与onprem用户ID/密码自动同步吗?

If i am using Free tier Azure AD then is it possible to use Password self service . Also once password reset for Azure cloud user then same will auto sync with onprem user id/password?


If not possible please suggest way


对于Cloud用户,可以使用您的免费套餐更改自助密码.这些是(在)Azure AD租户中创建的用户.

for Cloud users it is possible to do self-service password change with your Free tier. These are users that are (created) inside your Azure AD tenant. 

如果通过Azure AD Connect进行本地同步,则自助密码重置仅适用于Premium P1和P2.这称为本地写回.

If you have an on-premise sync going on through Azure AD Connect then the self-service password reset is only available for Premium P1 and P2. That's called on-premise writeback.

有关更多详细信息,请参见:"Azure Active Dictory"页面

For more details see: Azure Active Dictory page


08-20 19:03