

我正在从 wsdl 文件中生成 CXF (wsdl2java)的类,但是一个枚举被替代到 String

I'm generating classes with CXF (wsdl2java) out of wsdl files, but one enum is instead mapped to a String only.


If I open the generated class, this is the wsdl snippet:

      <restriction base="{http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}anyType">
        <attribute name="Type" use="required">
            <restriction base="{http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string">
              <enumeration value="AAA"/>
              <enumeration value="VVV"/>

为什么结果是 String ,而不是枚举

Why is the result a String, and not an Enum?This is the auto generated result:

private String type;

public String getType() {
    return type;

public void setType(String value) {
    this.type = value;


Update: custom binding file:


                <jaxb:bindings node="//xs:attribute[@name='Type']/xs:simpleType">
                 <jaxb:typesafeEnumClass ref="TestEnum" />



The following information appeared as a result of my experiments. I couldn't find anything useful in the CXF manuals.

  • 如果您在其他类型中声明类型,而 simpletype ,你在容器java类中没有类型,只有一个字段。如果您的限制是基于 string ,则您将具有 String 类型的字段。

  • 如果内部类型是 complextype (您必须在 simplecontent 元素> complextype 和 restriction ),你有一个内部类的正确名称,但它不是一个真正的枚举。您可以通过 getValue()获取字符串值。您可以使用任何字符串数据,并且不会发生错误。 (IMHO,绝对无用的变体)

  • 如果您将枚举声明为 complextype 而不使用容器类型,则将其作为公开不是内在的类。另外呢,就像以前一样。再次,它不是枚举,不检查正确性,没有真正的限制。

  • 如果您在任何容器类型之外声明枚举类型,并且它将是一个 simpletype ,您有一个公共非获奖者列举显然,这是你想要看到的。

  • if you declare a type inside another type, and it is simpletype, you have NO type in the container java class, but only a field. If your restriction was based on string, you will have the field of the String type.
  • if that inner type is complextype (you must put a simplecontent element between complextype and restriction), you have an inner class with the correct name, but it is NOT a real enumeration. You can get a String value by getValue(). You can use any string data for it and get no error. (IMHO, absolutely useless variant)
  • if you declare your enumeration as a complextype without container type, you will have it as a public not-inner class. Otherwards, it is as the previous. Again, it is no enumeration, no check for correctness, no real restrictions. Useless.
  • if you declare your enumeration type outside of any container type, and it will be a simpletype, you have a public non-inner enumeration. Obviously, it is what you would like to see.


What is worse, even the fourth variant won't catch an error in an XML message for you. If:

enumeration StyleType {A,B,C}
StyleType Style

而且您的XML消息不正确(不是A,B,C中的一个)Style,您将简单地使用 getStyle()时为null。所以,而不是有一个很好的消息在...消息在线...位置...有不正确的数据,你必须在每个gerStyle()之后添加一个不为null的检查。如果您不希望用户获得 NullPointerException 的。

And you have XML message with incorrect (not one of A,B,C) value for Style, you will simply get null when using getStyle(). So, instead of having nice message "in ... message on line ... position ... there are incorrect data", you have to add a check for not null after every gerStyle(). If you don't want the user to get NullPointerException's.


08-20 18:52