

我一直对UrlClassLoader委托层次结构和继承层次结构感到困惑.我创建了扩展UrlClassLoader的类并执行: childOfUrlClassLoader.getParent().getClass().getName()这给了我: sun.misc.Launcher $ AppClassLoader .之后,我访问了上述课程()

I have been confused with UrlClassLoader delegation hierarchy and inheritance hierarchy.I created class that extends UrlClassLoader and executed: childOfUrlClassLoader.getParent().getClass().getName()which gave me:sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.After this I pay a visit to mentioned above class (source)

249 static class AppClassLoader extends URLClassLoader {
308     protected synchronized Class<?> loadClass(String name, boolean resolve)
309         throws ClassNotFoundException
310     {
311         // First, check if the class has already been loaded
312         Class c = findLoadedClass(name);
313         if (c == null) {
314             try {
315                 if (parent != null) {
316                     c = parent.loadClass(name, false);
          // ...
329         return c;
330     }

然后,我检查了谁是AppClassLoader的父母.预期我会得到 sun.misc.Launcher $ ExtClassLoader ,而ExtClassLoader的父级是 null .

Then I checked who is a parent of AppClassLoader. Expectedly I got sun.misc.Launcher$ExtClassLoader and the parent of ExtClassLoader is null.


1)谁加载了我的课程,因为 AppClassLoader.loadClass 的代码有一行

1) Who loads my class since the code of AppClassLoader.loadClass has line

294    return (super.loadClass(name, resolve));


It looks like loop, doesn't it?

2)为什么ExtClassLoader没有以 BootstrapClassLoader 作为父项,却没有 null ?

2) Why doesn't ExtClassLoader have BootstrapClassLoader as a parent, but has null?


3) For which purpose AppClassLoader class extends UrlClassLoader?



内置的Java ClassLoader遵循委托优先模型.这意味着ClassLoader将允许其父项在尝试自身加载之前先加载一个类.加载程序的层次结构的顶部是引导加载程序,其后是扩展类加载程序,即应用程序类加载程序.在应用程序类加载器下可以找到URLClassLoaders以及该应用程序创建的任何其他加载器.

The build-in java ClassLoaders follow a delegate-first model. This means that a ClassLoader will allow its parent to load a class before it tries to load it itself. The hierarchy of loaders has the bootstrap loader at the top, followed by the extension classloader, the application classloader. Under the application classloader can be found URLClassLoaders and any other loaders created by the application.


The bootstrap classloader can load files from rt.jar which contains the most essential java classes including those in the java.lang, java.io, java.util and java.net packages. The extension classloader loads classes from other jar files in the java installation. It is the application classloader which loads the classes found on the classpath and which is the current classloader when an application starts.



So what happens when an application wants to load a HashMap? The current classloader is asked to load the HashMap class. Before attempting anything, it asks its parent, the extension classloader to load the class. In turn the extension classloader delgates to the bootstrap classloader which finds the class in rt.jar and loads it.


If the class to be loaded is in the classpath, the request goes up to the bootstrap classloader as before to check rt.jar. The bootstrap loader fails to find the class, so the task is referred back to the extension classloader which searches the java installation for the class. When this fails the task reverts back to the application classloader which scans the classpath for the class.



In practice each classloader has a cache where classes already loaded are stored and the cache is searched before the delegation to the parent, but this does not alter the principle of delegating first.


Class c = findLoadedClass(name);



A URLClassLoader created by an application will have the application ClassLoader as a parent. If it follows the delegate-first model, classes will be found in the classpath before the supplied URL.



1) Who loads my class


I see slightly different code in your link

309         // First, check if the class has already been loaded
310         Class c = findLoadedClass(name);
311         if (c == null) {
312             try {
313                 if (parent != null) {
314                     c = parent.loadClass(name, false);
315                 } else {
316                     c = findBootstrapClass0(name);
317                 }
318             } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
319                 // If still not found, then invoke findClass in order
320                 // to find the class.
321                 c = findClass(name);
322             }
323         }


If a class is not loaded by the parent, it throws a ClassNotFoundException which is caught and allows the current ClassLoader to find the class

321                 c = findClass(name);


2) Why doesn't ExtClassLoader have BootstrapClassLoader as a parent, but has null?

getClassLoader API 对此进行了回答.


3) For which purpose AppClassLoader class extends UrlClassLoader?


Consider that the application classloader is not special in that it loads classes supplied by the user, not system classes. The classpath is effectively a list of URIs so a URLClassLoader is a suitable superclass.



There are many article on classloading including


09-12 07:51