Intellij IDEA似乎想在输入右括号后重新格式化括号内的代码块。例如,如果我有一个代码块,我现在想要在try / catch块中包装,一旦我输入try块的右括号,整个try块就会自动重新格式化。我在设置中搜索过,但是找不到任何可以解决这个问题的东西。有什么想法?
Intellij IDEA seems to like to reformat the code block inside braces once the closing brace is entered. For example, if I have a block of code that I now want to wrap in a try/catch block, once I type in the closing brace of the try block, the entire try block automatically gets reformatted. I have searched in settings but was not able to find anything that would turn this off. Any ideas?
文件 - >设置 - >编辑器 - >常规 - >智能键
File --> Settings --> Editor --> General --> Smart Keys
Then uncheck the option "Reformat block on typing '}'"
申请 - >确定
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