

本文介绍了Visual Studio 2010无法打开Visual Studio 2012修改的2010解决方案的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


基本上,我有一个用C#用Visual Studio 2010 Express编写的项目,然后我尝试使用带有该文件的Visual Studio 2012 Express,现在VS2010表示:

Basically, I had a project that was written with Visual Studio 2010 Express in C#, I then tried out using Visual Studio 2012 Express with that file, and now VS2010 says:


Now when I had looked up about this, Microsoft said that you can still use 2010 if you do not use anything that was VS2012 specific. Well, I had tried out the built in Testing that is in the VS2012, and that was the only thing that was VS2012 specific, but deleting that from my project (the Testing project), still left it saying that it was created by a newer version.


So, how do you make a VS2010 solution that VS2012 modified work with VS2010 again?


打开VS 2012修改的解决方案需要VS 2010的SP1.

SP1 for VS 2010 is required to open VS 2012 modified solutions.

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08-20 18:41