



最近,我们在一个Java项目中将Jdk版本从 1.6 升级到 1.8 。但是有一些编译或运行时错误,所以我必须升级一些库:

Recently, we upgrade the Jdk version from 1.6 to 1.8 in one of my Java project. But there are some compilation or runtime errors, so I have to upgrade some libraries:

  • gradle: 1.9 1.10

  • spring: 3.x to 4.x

  • gradle: 1.9 to 1.10
  • spring: 3.x to 4.x

因为他们使用的是早期版本的ASM,但它只支持jdk 1.8来自 5.x

That because they are using some early versions of ASM, but which supports jdk 1.8 only from 5.x

Java表示它是向后兼容的,但为什么原始版本库不能直接使用jdk 1.8吗?

Java said it is backward compatible, but why the original versions of libraries can't work with jdk 1.8 directly?



Because ASM is a tool that operates on the Java byte-code. And the byte-code format changed to introduce new features. As such, you had to upgrade the tool to support the new byte-code.

注意,使用较旧版本的JDK编译的软件不会始终使用较新版本的Java。例如, enum 在早期版本的JDK中不是关键字。

Note, that software compiled with an older version of the JDK does not always work with newer versions of Java. For example, enum was not a keyword in early versions of the JDK.


08-20 18:33