HQL连接查询有问题。任何人都可以告诉我什么错我的下面加入HQL查询?使用Hibernate 4.3.6,JDK 7和Groovy 2.2
def query ='从Parcel中选择lip.referenceId作为lip left join TransportFile tf其中,lip.statusDisplayName!= tf.statusDisplayName'
def hqlQuery = session.createQuery(query)
def hqlcount = hqlQuery.list()。size
com.dc.core.common.exception.BaseApplicationException:org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.QuerySyntaxException:加入的路径! [从com.dc.apps.cp.ebilling.model.impl.Parcel中选择lip.referenceId作为lip left join TransportFile tf where lip.statusDisplayName!= tf.statusDisplayName]
package com.dc. apps.cp.ebilling.model.impl
public class Parcel implements IPersistentEntityInstance {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
@AttributeReadPermission(name =SUBMITTEDFILE.READ)
@AttributeWritePermission(name =SUBMITTEDFILE.UPDATE)
private boolean isBeingSubmitted;
private TransportFile transportFile;
$ / code $ / pre
package com.dc.apps.cp.legacy.model.impl;
@EntityMetadataDefaults(editable = false)
public class TransportFile implements ITransportObject {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private String statusDisplayName;
// [ReferenceID] [varchar](30)NOT NULL
private String referenceId;
// [发送] [日期时间] NULL,
// [received] [datetime] NULL,
// [Status] [varchar](4)NULL,
private String statusCode;
私人列表< TransportLog> TransportLogs;
private String rejectReason;
// left join TransportFile tf
left join lip.transportFile tf
where lip.statusDisplayName!= tf.statusDisplayName'
语句 left join TransportFile tf
更像是一个SQL ...对于HQL来说并非如此。 / p>
我们的声明必须表达导航: left join lip.transportFile tf
- 即加入与 lip
Am having problem with HQL join query. Can anyone tell me whats wrong with my below join HQL query?Am using Hibernate 4.3.6, JDK 7 and Groovy 2.2
def query = 'select lip.referenceId from Parcel as lip left join TransportFile tf where lip.statusDisplayName != tf.statusDisplayName'
def hqlQuery = session.createQuery(query)
def hqlcount = hqlQuery.list().size
Am getting the below error when i run above code
com.dc.core.common.exception.BaseApplicationException: org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.QuerySyntaxException: Path expected for join! [select lip.referenceId from com.dc.apps.cp.ebilling.model.impl.Parcel as lip left join TransportFile tf where lip.statusDisplayName != tf.statusDisplayName]
Below is my Parcel entity
package com.dc.apps.cp.ebilling.model.impl
public class Parcel implements IPersistentEntityInstance {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private Long id;
@AttributeReadPermission(name = "SUBMITTEDFILE.READ")
@AttributeWritePermission(name = "SUBMITTEDFILE.UPDATE")
private File submittedFile;
private ParcelType type;
private boolean isBeingSubmitted;
private TransportFile transportFile;
Below is my TransportFile entity
package com.dc.apps.cp.legacy.model.impl;
@EntityMetadataDefaults(editable = false)
public class TransportFile implements ITransportObject {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private Long id;
private String statusDisplayName;
// [ReferenceID] [varchar](30) NOT NULL
private String referenceId;
// [sent] [datetime] NULL,
private Timestamp sentDate;
// [received] [datetime] NULL,
private Timestamp receivedDate;
// [Status] [varchar](4) NULL,
private String statusCode;
private List<TransportLog> TransportLogs;
private String rejectionReason;
I refered to this post HQL left join: Path expected for join but I dont see any anything worng my HQL join query.
解决方案 This exception "Path expected for join" is saying:
So we would need:
select lip.referenceId
from Parcel as lip
// instead of this
// left join TransportFile tf
// we need a path from Parcel to TransportFile
left join lip.transportFile tf
where lip.statusDisplayName != tf.statusDisplayName'
The statement left join TransportFile tf
is more like a SQL... which is not the case for HQL.
Our statement must be expressing navigation: left join lip.transportFile tf
- i.e. join the transportFile
which is related to lip
这篇关于Hibernate 4.3.6 QuerySyntaxException:加入的路径的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!