


I am trying to add a javaeditor to my program to extend the program at run time. It all works fine, except when using the program extensively (I simulated 1000-10000 compiler executions). The memory usage rises and rises, it looks like there is a memory leak.


In my program, the class gets loaded, the constructor gets executed and the class gets unloaded (no remaining instance and the classLoader becomes invalid as I set the pointer to null). I analyzed the process with JConsole, the classes get unloaded when the garbage collector is executed.


I did a heapdum opened it in memory analyzer, the problem seems to be inside of java.net.FactoryURLClassLoader (in a com.sun.tools.javac.util.List Object). Since (com.sun.tools.javac) is part of the JDK and not in the JRE and the SystemToolClassLoader is an FactoryURLClassLoader Object, I would locate the leak somewhere there. The number of loaded classes in the SystemToolClassLoader rises from 1 to 521 when I execute the compiler the first time but stays the same afterwards.


So I have no idea where the leak is , is there a way to reset the SystemToolClassLoader? How could I locate the leak more precisely.


import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Arrays;

import javax.tools.JavaCompiler;
import javax.tools.JavaFileObject;
import javax.tools.StandardJavaFileManager;
import javax.tools.ToolProvider;

public class Example {

public static void main(String[] args)
    for (int i =0; i<10000;i++){
        try {
        } catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException
                | ClassNotFoundException | IOException e) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block


public static void compile() throws IOException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, ClassNotFoundException
    File source = new File( "src\\Example.java" ); // This File
    JavaCompiler compiler = ToolProvider.getSystemJavaCompiler();
    StandardJavaFileManager fileManager = compiler.getStandardFileManager( null, null, null );
    Iterable<? extends JavaFileObject> units;
    units = fileManager.getJavaFileObjectsFromFiles( Arrays.asList( source ) );
    compiler.getTask( null, fileManager, null, null, null, units ).call();



起初,我认为这肯定是内存泄漏;但是,它与 SoftReference 的工作方式直接相关。

At first, I thought this was a definite memory leak; however, it is directly related to how SoftReferences work.


Oracle's JVM will only attempt to collect soft references when the heap is completely used up. It appears that it is not possible to force soft references to be collected programatically.


To identify the problem, I used three dumps on an 'unlimited' heap:

  1. 启动应用程序并获取Compiler和ScriptFileManager,然后进行GC最终处理-GC。进行转储。

  2. 加载500个脚本。

  3. 执行GC-finalize-GC。写统计信息。进行转储。

  4. 加载500个脚本。

  5. 执行GC-finalize-GC。写统计信息。

  1. Start up the app and get the Compiler and ScriptFileManager, then do a GC-finalize-GC. Make a dump.
  2. Load 500 'scripts'.
  3. Do a GC-finalize-GC. Write stats. Make a dump.
  4. Load 500 'scripts'.
  5. Do a GC-finalize-GC. Write stats. Make a dump.

明显的(双)实例计数增加:名称 (500-> 1k), SharedNameTable (500-> 1k), SharedNameTable $ NameImpl (成千上万)和 [LSharedNameTable $ NameImpl (500-> 1k)。

The obvious (double) instance count increase: Names (500 -> 1k), SharedNameTable (500->1k), SharedNameTable$NameImpl (in the hundreds of thousands) and [LSharedNameTable$NameImpl (500->1k).

使用EMA分析后,很明显 SharedNameTable com.sun.tools.javac.util.List 的静态引用显然是 SoftReference 曾经创建的每个 SharedNameTable (因此在运行时编译的每个源文件都有一个)。所有 $ NameImpl 都是您的源文件所分割的标记。而且显然所有令牌都从不从堆中释放出来并积累到无尽……还是?

After analyzing with EMA, it becomes apparent that SharedNameTable has a static reference to a com.sun.tools.javac.util.List which apparently SoftReferences every single SharedNameTable ever created (so one for each source file you have compiled during runtime). All the $NameImpls are the tokens your source file(s) were split to. And apparently all the tokens are never freed from the heap and accumulate to no end... Or do they?

我决定测试是否实际上是这样。知道软引用与弱引用的区别之后,我决定使用一个小堆(-Xms32m -Xmx32m)。这样,JVM被迫释放 SharedNameTable 或因 OutOfMemoryError 而失败。结果说明一切:

I decided to test if this was actually the case. Knowing the difference of soft vs weak references, I decided to use a small heap (-Xms32m -Xmx32m). This way JVM is forced to either free SharedNameTables or fail with OutOfMemoryError. The results speak for themselves:

-Xmx512m -Xms512m

-Xmx512m -Xms512m

Total memory: 477233152
Free memory: 331507232
Used memory: 138.97506713867188 MB
Loaded scripts: 500

Total memory: 489816064
Free memory: 203307408
Used memory: 273.23594665527344 MB
Loaded scripts: 1000

The classloader/component "java.net.FactoryURLClassLoader @ 0x8a8a748" occupies 279.709.192 (98,37%) bytes.

-Xmx32m -Xms32m

-Xmx32m -Xms32m

Total memory: 29687808
Free memory: 25017112
Used memory: 4.454322814941406 MB
Loaded scripts: 500

Total memory: 29884416
Free memory: 24702728
Used memory: 4.941642761230469 MB
Loaded scripts: 1000

One instance of "com.sun.tools.javac.file.ZipFileIndex" loaded by "java.net.FactoryURLClassLoader @ 0x8aa4cc8" occupies 2.230.736 (47,16%) bytes. The instance is referenced by *.*.script.ScriptFileManager @ 0x8ac8230.


(This is merely a link to a JDK library.)


public class Avenger
    public Avenger()

    public static void main(String[] args)
        // this method is called after compiling
        new Avenger();



private static final int TO_LOAD = 1000;
private static final List<Object> _active = new ArrayList<Object>(TO_LOAD);

public static void doNotCollect(Object o)

System.out.println("Loaded scripts: " + _active.size());


08-20 18:26