

我们在Google Play商店中使用Beta分级.对于应用程序方面的强制更新功能,我们要检测我们的应用程序是否来自Google Play商店的Beta阶段或生产阶段.在Android应用程序中有可能吗?

We use beta staging in google play store. For app side force update functionality we want to detect if our app is either coming from the beta stage or the production stage of the google play store. Is this possible in android apps?


当前无法检测是从Play商店的Beta还是Production Track安装了该应用.

It's currently not possible to detect if the app was installed from either the Beta or Production Track on the Play Store.


Assuming your app will be connecting to an API that you own - What you can do is let the API determine if the App is a Beta or Prod App. For example store the app version number(s) that are considered a Prod app on the API, when the app connects to the API it passes it's version number to the API and the API returns a response with whether it is Prod (The version matches one it has stored) or Beta App (it's does not match one it has stored).


  1. 您需要在API上更新移动应用的版本号当应用准备好投入生产时.
  2. 移动应用将由其版本号而不是版本号决定跟踪他们在Play商店中的状态.
  1. You will need to update the mobile app version number(s) on your APIwhen the app is ready to go to production.
  2. Mobile apps will be determined by their version number not whatTrack they are on in Play Store.


If you're happy with these 2 limitations then you will only have 1 APK and a means to determine if your app is Prod or Beta.


08-20 18:09