



我在几个不同的网站的应用程序是(通过Android Market的URL)链接。我需要实现一种方法来确定我的用户从哪里来的。有没有一种方法来确定引用URL,用户随后通过Android市场?

I have an app which is linked to (via an Android Market URL) on several different websites. What I need to implement is a way to determine where my users came from. Is there a way to determine the referring URL that the user followed to download my app via the Android Market?

例如,用户A浏览网站xyz.com和点击查看我在Android Market上的应用程序的链接,然后进行下载。一旦安装,我可以programmaticaly看到用户来自(xyz.com)?

For example, user A browses site xyz.com and clicks the link to view my app on the Android Market and then proceeds to download it. Once installed can I "programmaticaly" see where the user came from (xyz.com)?


I need to implement this myself (within the app) and not rely on external tools or services.



It is possible to use Google Analytics to track the usage of your App.


On Android Google Analytics provides a refferal tracking. This should enable you to create a link for each of the sites that link to your app and track how much apps where installed because of which site.

看那从跟踪引荐章谷歌Android Analytics(分析)文档了解更多信息。

Look at the Tracking Referrals chapter from the Android Google Analytics Documentation for more information.


You have to rely on the Google Analytics jar that has to be called within the app and registered in the manifest.xml



If you don't want to use a separate jar you could try to obtain the referral information yourself. Google analyticss work through registering this Intent filter:

<!-- Used for install referrer tracking -->
<receiver android:name="com.google.android.apps.analytics.AnalyticsReceiver" android:exported="true">
    <action android:name="com.android.vending.INSTALL_REFERRER" />


It seems that the market app will send the specified intent just after installing an app from the market. The intent then will be catched from the AnalyticsReciever class and they will save the referrer for later use in the analytics.


Google states that this is how it works:

而Android 1.6的操作系统版本支持的下载链接到Android Market使用引用URL参数。在谷歌Analytics(分析)SDK的Andr​​oid使用此参数来自动填充推荐/活动信息在谷歌Analytics(分析)为您的应用程序。这使得应用程序的源安装要被记录并与未来浏览量和事件相关联的


This also means that the sites linking to you app have to include a specific parameter in the market url. How this is done is also explained in the Google Analytics Documentation.


08-20 18:07