

当前正在从事我的Spring Boot项目需要利用同一数据库服务器中的多个数据源或架构.我有在中找到了一些讲授多个数据源配置的教程弹簧启动,其中实体foo存在于数据源A中,而bar存在于数据源B在下面.

Currently working on a project where my Spring Boot project needs toleverage multiple data sources or schema in the same DB server. I havefound several tutorials that teach multiple data source configuration inspring boot where entity foo exists in DataSource A and bar exists inDataSource B namely below.,

https://scattercode.co. uk/2016/01/05/multiple-databases-with-spring-boot- 和spring-data-jpa/ https://scattercode.co.uk/2013/11 /18/spring-data-multiple-databases/ https://medium.com /@ joeclever/using-multiple-datasources-with-spring-boot-and-spring-data-6430b00c02e7



But my use case is that entities foo and bar are present in multiple schema and I want to use a single entity and repository to access all schema.Data is not replicated in all schema.It is divided among them.

因此,如果我需要搜索用户John Doe,则必须仔细阅读Schema 1和如果找不到他,请转到下一个模式.

So if I need to search for User John Doe I have to go through Schema 1 andif I don't find him, move onto the next schema.

我已经尝试了以上所有教程(即使它们与我的教程不一致)用例),希望我可以破解它以使其能够像概念证明.我也研究了AbstractRoutingDataSource ( http://fizzylogic.nl/2016/01/24/make-your-spring-boot-application-multi-tenant-aware-in-2-steps/ http://kimrudolph.de/blog/spring-datasource-routing )和MultiTentancy,但是这两个都谈论访问单个任何时间点的架构.我只需要一些指导或链接即可完成此工作.

I have tried all the above tutorials(even though they don't line up with myuse case) with the hope that I could hack it to get it working just as aproof of concept.I have also looked into AbstractRoutingDataSource (http://fizzylogic.nl/2016/01/24/make-your-spring-boot-application-multi-tenant-aware-in-2-steps/ , http://kimrudolph.de/blog/spring-datasource-routing)and MultiTentancy but both of these talk about having access to a singleschema at any point in time.I just need some guidance or link to follow and get this accomplished.



通过使用 https://github.com/wmeints/spring-multi-tenant-demo .


Thanks @surya for your recommendation.


08-20 18:03