本文介绍了将MFC中的大项目从Visual C ++ 6.0迁移到Visual Studio 2005的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在Visual C ++ 6.0中维护一个大项目(〜250k loc,不计算从idl生成的代码),该项目使用Visibroker(简称VB)5.2.1(这是Borland的CORBA实现).最近,与我的项目通信的另一个模块已升级到VB 8.0,我遇到了许多不兼容的问题.由于不再支持VB 5.2.1,而VB 8.0不能与Visual C ++ 6.0一起使用,因此我正在考虑将整个项目迁移到Visual Studio2005.这不是一个很大的变化,例如,但只能解决所有不兼容问题错误.

I am maintaining a big project (~250k loc, not counting code generated from idl) in Visual C++ 6.0, that uses Visibroker (VB for short) 5.2.1 (which is a CORBA implementation from Borland). Recently, the other module that communicates with my project was upgraded to VB 8.0 and I got a bunch of incompatibility issues. Since VB 5.2.1 is no longer supported while VB 8.0 does not work with Visual C++ 6.0, I am considering migrating the whole project to Visual Studio 2005. It is not a big change like total rewrite large C++ application in C#?, but only resolving all the incompatibility errors.


My question is what kind of strategy should I use to tackle this task? Anyone has done this before? Also, the problem for me is the size of the project. How much effort does it take to do this kind of migration?


FYI, the project has a frontend GUI portion in MFC and a backend CORBA portion. The two are not very well separated though.




I adressed porting from VC6 to VC9 in this post. I ported a million-line monolithic app from VC6 to VC9 last year, and it proved to be extraordinarily difficult. VC6 was notorious for being not very Standards-compliant even when it came out, and as the Standard evolved in the following years, VC6's compliance just became worse. Microsoft took the opportunity to fix this problem in VC7 to a large degree, but in doing so broke a lot of code that compiled in VC6.


In some cases the code broke because the code itself was poor, and VC7 was a much better compiler that did not allow many liberties that VC6 did. But in many cases "good code" (from VC6's point of view) became illegal code because of the increased conformance. A very simple example:

for( int i = 0, cont = 1; cont; ++i )
  // count something up

cout << "The number is now " << i << endl;


This code is perfectly fine as far as VC6 is concerned, but according to the Standard i falls out of scope at the end of the for block. There are many, many other examples of things like this that changed from VC6 to VC7 (and from VC7 to VC8 etc). You should review these changes carefully before you proceed:

  • Breaking Changes VC 2005 - 2008 (VC 2005 -> VC 2008)
  • Breaking Changes in the Visual C++ 2005 Compiler (VC 2003 -> VC 2005)
  • Breaking Changes in Visual C++ .NET 2003 (VC6 -> VC 2003)


We had many compelling reasons to move to VC9 beyond just better compliance. One was the ability to compile 64-bit apps, and so we eventually decided to port the entire app. But you may have alternatives.

如果编译器仅在代码的一部分中为您创建障碍,则可以考虑仅移植该部分,并创建在VC9中编译的层,以弥合VB 8.0与VC6应用程序之间的鸿沟.这可能只是封送代理,它只是在主应用程序和第三方组件之间移动数据而已.

If the compiler is creating a roadblock for you in just one portion of the code, you might consider porting just that portion, and creating a layer compiled in VC9 that bridges the gap between VB 8.0 and your VC6 application. This could be little more than a marshalling proxy, that does nothing more than move data between your main application and the 3rd-party component.

这篇关于将MFC中的大项目从Visual C ++ 6.0迁移到Visual Studio 2005的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-20 18:03