




From what I know, Gradle is a build automation system that combines and describes the app's project structure, configuration and dependencies to output an APK. Does this mean that the Gradle is equivalent to a compiler?


If they aren't equivalents, then what are the differences and how do they relate?


Gradle不等同于编译器.编译器主要用于将高级语言(即java)转换为机器代码或其他中间代码表示形式,例如bytecode. wheres Gradle是一个构建系统,可以为您打包代码并使其可以进行编译.如果您以android为例,Gradle将在后台下载定义的依赖项,并为您打包所有内容,而不会弄乱您的情况,并简化了开发流程.它完成了项目的所有依赖关系管理. Gradle输出不是翻译后的代码,相反,您可以说它是安排好的代码.最后,Gradle不等同于任何compiler.在 StackOverflow帖子上也有类似的问题.与其多次发布,您可以令人满意地接受答案,因此版主可以删除重复的/不被接受的答案.

Gradle is not equivalent to the compiler. Compilers primarily meant for translating the high-level language(i.e. java) into machine code or other intermediate code representation like bytecode. wheres Gradle is a build system that packages the code for you and makes it ready for compilation. If you take an example from android, under the hood, Gradle downloads the defined dependencies and packages everything for you without messing up and simplifies the development flow. It does all the dependencies management for the project. Gradle output is not the translated code, instead, you can say it's arranged code. finally Gradle is not equivalent of any compiler.There is a similar question on StackOverflow Post. Rather putting post multiple times, you can accept satisfactorily answer, so moderators can remove the duplicate/unaccepted one.


08-20 17:59