


I have an actor-based system that performs periodic, cpu-intensive data ingests as well as serves RESTful endpoints. I'm using Akka actors to signal/control the various stages of the ingest process, and Spray (which is of course built on Akka) to serve my restful endpoints.


My problem is this: When the ingest kicks off it consumes most of the CPU, starving the RESTful endpoints until its done.


What's the best way to lower the priority of the ingest? Right now the ingest and the Spray module share the same ActorSystem, but they could be separated if that helps the solution.



It seems the different actors in your system need to live in different dispatchers. Create a new dispatcher for the CPU-intensive actors and leave the web service actors in the default dispatcher (or maybe move those to another dispatcher as well, if you see fit)


You may want to tweak the newly created dispatcher - for example, if you say your ingest actors perform computationally intensive jobs you should reduce the degree of parallelism of the dispatcher to something closer to 1.0

将actor系统分成不同的调度程序可以防止出现与您遇到的问题类似的问题-如果某些actor开始占用底层线程,则它们最终会使运行它们的调度程序饱和。通过将Web actor放在另一个调度程序中,您可以限制CPU密集型actor对系统其余部分的影响。这有点类似于的概念。

Separating your actor system into different dispatchers prevents problems similar to the one you have - if some actors start to hog the underlying threads they end up saturating the dispatcher that runs them. By having the web actors in another dispatcher you limit the impact that the CPU-intensive actors have on the rest of the system. This is somewhat similar to the concept of "bulkheading".


Here's some more info on Akka dispatchers:http://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/2.2.0/scala/dispatchers.html


To configure new dispatcher it's also worthwhile to take a look at the configuration section of the documentation:http://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/2.2.0/general/configuration.html


08-20 17:24