



我想使用akka actor实现CRUD操作。我是akka的新手,所以不知道akka演员的设计基础。

I want to implement CRUD operation using akka actor. I am a new in akka so dont know the designing fundamentals of akka actors.


I want to share the behaviours of akka actors in multiple sub actors.


Fir example i want to save and delete student , teacher and other entity.


I have created actor for StudentDao.scala

class StudentDao extends Actor with ActorLogging{

 override def Receive = {

    case Add(student) =>
      // Add to database
    case Delete =>
      //Delete from database
   // Some other cases related to Student entity
case object StudentDao{
  case class Add(user : Student)
  case class Delete(id : String)


Same I have actor for TeacherDao.scala

class TeacherDao extends Actor with ActorLogging{

 override def Receive = {

    case Add(teacher) =>
      // Add to database
    case Delete =>
      //Delete from database
    // Some other cases related to teacher entity


object TeacherDao{
  case class Add(user : teacher)
  case class Delete(id : String)


I want to abstract delete method for both dao.So i have create BaseDao.scala

class BaseDao extends Actor with ActorLogging{

  override def Receive = {

    case Delete =>
      //Delete from database   dao.delete



是扩展参与者行为的方法,因为演员的 Receive 只是 PartialFunction [Any,Unit] 的别名。下面是用例的具体说明。

orElse is the way to extend actor behaviors, because an actor's Receive is simply an alias for PartialFunction[Any, Unit]. Below is a concrete illustration with your use case.

首先,定义必须与参与者混合的特征中的基本行为。为了避免重复,请将 Delete 案例类移到该特征的伴随对象中。

First, define the base behavior in a trait that must be mixed in with an actor. To avoid duplication, move the Delete case class into this trait's companion object.

trait BaseDao { this: Actor with ActorLogging =>
  import BaseDao._

  def baseBehavior: Receive = {
    case Delete(id) =>
      log.info(s"Deleting $id from db")
      // delete from db

object BaseDao {
  case class Delete(id: String)

然后,混合以上特征与您的其他演员并通过 orElse 链接行为。请注意,我创建了虚拟 Student Teacher 案例类,以便可以编译此代码。 StudentDao

Then, mix in the above trait into your other actors and chain the behaviors with orElse. Note that I created dummy Student and Teacher case classes so that this code would compile. StudentDao:

class StudentDao extends Actor with ActorLogging with BaseDao {
  import StudentDao._

  def studentBehavior: Receive = {
    case Add(student) =>
      log.info(s"Adding student: $student")
    // some other cases related to Student

  def receive = studentBehavior orElse baseBehavior

object StudentDao {
  case class Add(user: Student)
case class Student(name: String)


class TeacherDao extends Actor with ActorLogging with BaseDao {
  import TeacherDao._

  def teacherBehavior: Receive = {
    case Add(teacher) =>
      log.info(s"Adding teacher: $teacher")
    // some other cases related to Teacher

  def receive = teacherBehavior orElse baseBehavior

object TeacherDao {
  case class Add(user: Teacher)
case class Teacher(name: String)


08-20 17:24