

链接到网页的特定部分有没有办法在没有锚点的情况下添加书签或链接到页面的某个部分? 有回答/评论说无法链接到页面的特定部分除非 该页面中包含可寻址项目,例如锚点.

Linking to a specific part of a web page and Is there any way to bookmark or link to a section of a page without an anchor? have answers/comments that say that linking to a particular part of a page cannot be done unless that page has addressable items in it such as anchors.

但我真的需要这个用于研究:我需要将 URL 粘贴到任意页面中的任意部分,而不要求该页面具有锚点(例如,我想要一个基本上指向 http://www.zdnet.com/article/google-voice-beyond-gmail-get-voicemail-and-texts-using-any-email-client-you-want/ 并向下搜索过滤器是你的朋友")

But I'm really needing this for research: I need to paste URLs to any arbitrary section in any arbitrary page without requiring that page to have anchors (e.g., I would like a URL that essentially goes to http://www.zdnet.com/article/google-voice-beyond-gmail-get-voicemail-and-texts-using-any-email-client-you-want/ and searches down for "Filters are your friends")

我需要它以与浏览器无关的方式工作,不需要浏览器扩展(例如,http://liveurls.mozdev.org/tech.htmlhttps://stackoverflow.com/a/26590905/引用257924),不需要在 URL 本身内使用 Javascript,因为明显和正确的安全问题将不会执行,并且不需要跨站点脚本 (https://stackoverflow.com/a/13294569/257924).

I need this to work in a browser-agnostic manner, not requiring browser extensions (e.g., http://liveurls.mozdev.org/tech.html as referenced by https://stackoverflow.com/a/26590905/257924), not requiring use of Javascript inside the URL itself which will not execute due to obvious and correct security concerns, and not requiring cross-site scripting (https://stackoverflow.com/a/13294569/257924).


Is there some other way to do it such as some external website that provides a way to form a link to an arbitrary string of text within a page when that page lacks an anchor?


Chrome( 74.0.3706.0 之后)有一个实验性功能 ScrollToTextFragment 这正是你想要的

Chrome(later than 74.0.3706.0) has an experimental feature ScrollToTextFragment which does exactly what you want





but the user have to turn on this experimental feature manually.

此功能目前在 Chrome 74.0.3706.0 和更新版本中作为实验性功能实现.默认情况下,它尚未交付给用户.希望试用它的用户可以使用 chrome://flags#enable-text-fragment-anchor.实现不完整,不一定符合本文档中的规范.


08-20 17:07