




$ file = fopen(xx.html,r)或退出(无法打开文件!);
$ d ='v';
$ dd ='=';
$ vd = array(); $(!feof($ file))

$ f = fgetc($ file);
if($ f == $ d)
$ ff = fgetc($ file);
if($ ff == $ dd)
$ idea ='';
for($ i = 0; $ i {
$ sData = fgetc($ file);
$ id = $ id。$ sData;
array_push($ vd,$ id);

,问题是......通过整个html文件搜索'v =',如果发现读取11个字符并将其推入sData数组中,需要相当长的时间......所以请帮助我完善这些东西。

函数substring(& $ string,$ start,$ end)
$ pos = strpos(>。$ string,$ start);
如果(!$ pos)返回;
$ pos--;
$ string = substr($ string,$ pos + strlen($ start));
$ posend = strpos($ string,$ end);
$ toret = substr($ string,0,$ posend);
$ string = substr($ string,$ posend);
返回$ toret;
$ contents = @file_get_contents(xx.html);

$ old =;
$ videosArray = array();
while($ old<> $ contents)
$ old = $ contents;
$ v = substring($ contents,?v =,&);
if($ v)$ videosArray [] = $ v;

// $ videosArray是v $

From a html page I need to extract the values of v from all anchor links…each anchor link is hidden in some 5 div tags

<a href="/watch?v=value to be retrived&amp;list=blabla&amp;feature=plpp_play_all">

Each v value has 11 characters, for this as of now am trying to read it by character by character like

$file=fopen("xx.html","r") or exit("Unable to open file!");
while (!feof($file))
  if ($ff==$dd)
$sData = fgetc($file);
  array_push($vd, $id);

That is am getting each character of v and storing it in sData variable and pushing it into id so as to get those 11 characters as a string(id)…the problem is…searching for the ‘v=’ through the entire html file and if found reading the 11characters and pushing it into a sData array is sucking, it is taking considerable amount of time…so pls help me to sophisticate the things

function substring(&$string,$start,$end)
    $pos = strpos(">".$string,$start);
    if(! $pos) return "";
    $string = substr($string,$pos+strlen($start));
    $posend = strpos($string,$end);
    $toret = substr($string,0,$posend);
    $string = substr($string,$posend);
    return $toret;
$contents = @file_get_contents("xx.html");

while ($old <> $contents)
$old = $contents;
$v = substring($contents,"?v=","&");
if($v) $videosArray[] = $v;

//$videosArray is array of v's


08-20 17:04