



我有一个消费REST API web应用程序。我想用更广阔的世界共享的API,但在这样做之前,我需要补充率从越野车的客户限制为prevent滥用/高负荷。我想破例为我自己的web应用程序,因此具有更高的极限。

I have a webapp that consumes a REST API. I'd like share the API with the wider world, but before doing so, I need to add rate limiting to prevent abuse / high load from buggy clients. I'd like to make an exception for my own webapp so it has a higher limit.


Is there a reasonable way to do this? Not looking for a 100% bulletproof solution, but maybe something that just makes the API a little more difficult to exploit.


Bear in mind that the webapp is publicly exposed, so I can't just rely on rate limiting by API token, since someone could just use the same token.



Since a webapp cannot hide anything to its users, I don't think there is a way to ensure that the application talking to your API is yours.


Everything you can do is security through obscurity, which is by definition unsecure.



I would have a solution, still not secure, but that would be an idea.


The first thing is to have two authentication system.

  1. 第三方认证(API令牌)

  2. 网络应用认证(API令牌+网络令牌)

然后,它有点像你的想法。您生成的为每个HTTP会话的令牌。所不同的是该 Web应用程序(调用这样身份验证)将有一个下限。 (如10K的第三方和1K的Web应用程序)。

Then it's a bit like your idea. You generate a token for each HTTP session. The difference would be that web app (calls authenticate as such) would have a lower limit. (eg. 10k for 3rd party and 1k for web app).The reason why you should decrease the number of calls authorized is because a single HTTP session (1 person behind it) should generates less API calls than a third party app. Is it your case?


Of course the third party application could easily authenticate itself as a web app, but then it would have to renew its session more quickly, so you can monitor the number of sessions per IP. Just be aware that universities and companies are often a lot behind a single IP.


08-20 16:57