

的jquery keydown事件来执行此操作

I am making an application,i have a textbox and a button on entering text and pressing enter,it should send email to the entered email address. I doing this with jquery keydown event like

$("#txtverfyemail").live("keydown", function (event) {
        if (event.keyCode == '13') {

 function SendEmail() {
        email = $('#txtverfyemail').val();
        a = true;
        if (email == "" || email == null) {
            ErrorDivText('Enter email address');
            a = false;
        if (a) {
            if (!validateEmail(email)) {
                ErrorDivText('Enter a valid email address');
            else {


当我看到URL时,它变成http:\ localhost:4000 \ VerifyEmail \ UserRegistration


My Controller name is UserRegistration and the action i am redirecting is VerifyEmail, When i enter an invalid email it checks for valid email and print error msg but suddenly gives error The IControllerFactory ''Web.Mvc.SpringControllerFactory'' did not return a controller for the name ''VerifyEmail''.

and when i see URL it becomes http:\localhost:4000\VerifyEmail\UserRegistration

The same error is arising if i enter a valid email,it sends email display success msg then suddenly gives error i am wondering how and where it is swaping controller''s name with Actionname,Even in the situation when i am not hitting controller



当我看到URL时,它变成http:\ localhost:4000 \ VerifyEmail \ UserRegistration


My Controller name is UserRegistration and the action i am redirecting is VerifyEmail, When i enter an invalid email it checks for valid email and print error msg but suddenly gives error The IControllerFactory ''Web.Mvc.SpringControllerFactory'' did not return a controller for the name ''VerifyEmail''.

and when i see URL it becomes http:\localhost:4000\VerifyEmail\UserRegistration

The same error is arising if i enter a valid email,it sends email display success msg then suddenly gives error i am wondering how and where it is swaping controller''s name with Actionname,Even in the situation when i am not hitting controller


08-20 16:53